John Ridley Buford
Immigrated from Alabama, USA. Member of the George Washington Lodge, Masonic Order, Americana, Brazil.
BIRTH 08 SEP 1840 • Oak Forest, Barbour County, Alabama, USA
DEATH AFT. 3 JUN 1913 • Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil
John Ridley Buford
Roster ID 1563
This is a summary. Contact the Archives for additional biographical information.
First Name: John
Middle Name: Ridley
Last Name: Buford
Affiliation: Class of 1864
Name: John R Buford
Enlistment Date: 30 Apr 1862
Enlistment Place: Alabama, USA
Military Branch: Artillery
Regiment or Unit: Kolb's Battery
Enlistment Info: Alabama, Barbour County, Eufaula, 5th Sergeant
Remarks: Promoted from 5th Sergeant to 1st Sergeant 1862/07/01. Kolb's Battery, Hilliard's Legion.
Author: Record roll signed 1862/11/12
História de Barretos
Este blog tem a finalidade de debater a história da cidade desde a fundação até os dias atuais.
Translated from Portuguese
Sergeant John Ridley Bufford was the son of Jefferson Buford and Mary Rabeca Buford, born in Clayton, Barbour County, Alabama., USA
He enlisted in April 1862 in Eufaula, Alabama and was appointed Sergeant in Captain Reuben Koulb's Battery of the Barbour Alabama Light Artillery. He was transferred on November 6, 1864, as a soldier, to the Eufaula Battery of the Alabama Light Artillery.
Been to St. Mary's Hospital in Union Springs, AL, September 29, 1864, until November 6, 1864, but participated in the battles of Kentucky Campaign, Hood's Tennessee Campaign, and Chickamauga, and obtained his freedom at Meridian, Mississippi, on May 10, 1865. On his release , mentioned as place of residence Eufaula, AL.
Moved to Brazil to Santa Barbarad'Oeste, marrying Francisca Alexandrina de Oliveira Bufford. The couple had the children:
João Bufford,
Ana Bufford and
Zuleika Bufford.
Ana Ridley Buford had a daughter named Aldegundes, who married Mariano Juliano. From the marriage were born: Waldomiro Juliano and Djalma Bufford Juliano, who married Terezinha Oliveira Bufford.
Djalma was an employee of the Municipality of Barretos for many years until he retired.
Djalma and Terezinha are parents of:
1. Aldemar Antônio Juliano, married to Rosangela de Lima Juliano, having daughters: Juliana de Lima Bufford Juliano and Beatriz de Lima Bufford Juliano.
2. Evamar, married to Antônio Cláudio Marson, parents of Cláudia Juliano Marson and Camila Juliano Marson.
Terezinha and Djalma Buford Juliano, in 2008.
An interesting fact, worthy of note, is that in this conflict, many members of one family fought on opposing sides. We found in the American magazine “Military History” of October 1993, a detail of the Battle of Gettysburg, in which the action of Brigadier General John Buford, superior officer of the Union troops, was decisive. Brazil and formed a family here.
The story goes that General Bufford knew that if his position in the battle was maintained, luck would tip his side and so he said to one of his subordinates: - We will have to fight like demons to achieve this. They fought and succeeded. In an illustration from that magazine we find a portrait of General Buford and the physical resemblance to his cousin is very strong. Both fought on opposing sides in the great tragedy that divided the American people at that time. Each followed the designs that his conscience dictated.
Street in honor in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, to Bufford who came to Brazil.
There is a popular saying that the world is much smaller than we imagine. We fully agree when we learned that direct descendants of a veteran of the American Civil War reside in Barretos, among us, and worship the honorable memory of their ancestor.

Biography & Genealogy: John Ridley Buford, Class of 1864. Born-8 September 1840 in Louisville, AL Matriculated from Clayton, AL At VMI 1 year. Military Record: Drillmaster in Richmond during the spring of 1861. Enlisted for 3 years on 30 April 1862 at Eufaula, AL as Pvt (Capt R.F. Kolb's Company, Alabama Artillery). Made Sgt. Made 1st Sgt on 1 July 1862. Reduced to ranks on 4 November 1862. Transferred to Eufaula, AL Artillery on 17 October 1863. In the hospital in Union Springs, AL from September to November of 1864. Admitted to St. Mary's Hospital, West Point, MS on 15 December 1864 with colitis. Surrendered under the agreement signed 4 May 1865 at Citronelle, AL. Paroled in Meridian, MS on 10 May 1865. Post War Career: Civil Engineer. Moved to Brazil soon after the war. A 1912 photograph shows him with fellow exiles in Brazil where he died sometime after 3 June 1913. Died- Unknown

George Washington Masonic Lodge, Americana, Brazil. About 1912
Some Buford Family History
The name Beaufort , or as it came to America, Beauford, is French, and as a family name extremely rare, being essentially a place name, meaning "beautiful fort or castle." It grew into a family name during the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries, from the ownership of such places, the lords or masters being spoken of as "De Beaufort," of, or belonging to, the beautiful castle.
The given names of both the English and American families, such as John, Thomas, William, Richard, and Robert, are Norman and came to England with the North men.
By referring to the extracts below from old English wills and deeds, it will be seen that the progenitors of the Bufords in America were in England long before John of Gaunt adopted the name Beaufort for his children or the French Huguenots had emigrated.
John of Gaunt came into possession of the castle of Beaufort, in the Province of Anjou, in France, at the close of the Thirteenth Century, and from it named his children by Catherine Swinford "Beaufort." with the title of Duke of Somerset. This family became extinct with John who was exiled to France and killed in the Battle of Tewsburg, in 1470. An illegitimate branch of this family was given the name of "Somerset," and in 1682 the title Duke of Beaufort.
There has been, from the earliest day, a tradition in the family in America that they were descendants of John of Gaunt; but this could be only through the female side of the house, and they could then have no legitimate claim to the name of Beaufort, and could come by it only by adoption.
Beaufort City and Co., South Carolina, were evidently so-called in honor of the Duke of that name, one of the "Lords Proprietors," whose descendants still own vast estates in Somerset and Wales, though mortgaged and impoverished of later generations to the extent that the present incumbent of the title recently felt compelled to put up huge tracts, forests and ruined castles for sale at public auction in order to secure for himself a regular meal ticket. The small town, Beaufort, in Monmouthshire, England, is located in the heart of the ducal ancestral domain, and Raglan and Chepstow castles were two of the magnificent ruins auctioned off and falling to bids of Yankee millionaires a few years since.
The French Beauforts originated with the children of Henry IV and Gabrille d'Estrees, who became Duchesse De Beaufort, from an estate of the name in Champagne, France, which belonged to her family in 1590 to 1600 - too late for the English Buffords to be descended from them. Some members of this family, French Huguenots to England after the edict of Nantes, and their descendants are still found in that country and this. They are "Beauforts," having never changed the spelling of their name.
The first English Beauforts came over with William the Conqueror and got their name, as did the Dukes of Beaufort, in Belgium, in the Tenth century, from the Castle of Beaufort, in Namur, Belgium.
If they brought any titles with them, none have survived in England, and they became knights, dignitaries of the church, merchants, husbandmen, yeomen, and men of position in every walk of life.
It is not possible, with the data now in possession of the writer, to connect the American family immediately with the English Bufford's. While this is most unsatisfactory, there is no doubt that they are one and the same, and the search for documentary proof which is still going on will probably establish the fact and show which Richard or John was the emigrant to this country and the progenitor of the family in America.
Generation One "The Immigrants"
Richard Beaufort, born Abt. 1615 in [England/Bordeaux, France]; died Unknown in [VA].He was the son of [John] Beaufort and [Margaret Neeunk].He married ? Vause.
? Vause, born Abt. 1620; died Unknown. She was the daughter of [John] Vause/Vaulx and ?.
Notes for Richard Beaufort:
The emigrant American ancestor of the Buford family is believed to have been [Richard] Buford/Beaufort. From the book "Our Kin", by M. D. Ackerly and L. E. J. Parker, Richard Beauford (Beaufort or Buford) was the first of the name in Virginia. He was "examined by a minister of the Church of England as to loyalty to the King and took the prescribed oath of allegiance, etc., age eighteen" and emigrated on the ship "Elizabeth" on 1 Aug. 1635, from Gravesend, England (Hotten). A story concerning his voyage has been passed down through the family over the years. It is said that the ship struck a snag during the voyage and sprung a leak, which threatened to sink it. All hands were forced to bail water when suddenly the leaking stopped. Upon arrival in Virginia, they discovered that a large fish had been sucked into the hole in the ship, effectively stopping the leak. (Note: This really sounds like a Big Fish Tale).
Richard Beauford settled in Lancaster Co., VA about 1656. It is unclear where he lived during the 21 years preceding this date, but on 15 Apr. 1656, "John Vause assigned Richard Beauford 300 acres of land, lying on the south side of the Rappahannock River".Since Richard married the daughter of John Vause (name unknown), this transaction is easily understood.
Child of Richard Beaufort and? Vause is:
i. John Buford, born Abt. 1642 in Lancaster Co., VA; died April 18, 1722, in Lancaster Co., VA; married Elizabeth Parrott April 11, 1662, in Middlesex Co., VA.
Richard Parrott, born Abt. 1616 in England; died November 11, 1686, in Middlesex Co., VA.He was the son of [John] Parrott and [Prunella ?].He married 13699. [Elizabeth Thompson] Abt. 1644.
[Elizabeth Thompson], born in England; died January 30, 1687/88 in Middlesex Co., VA.
Notes for Richard Parrott:
Richard Parrott is believed to be the son of [John] Parrott and [Prunella ?]. This John Parrott lived in Paraketo Point, VA, and was also known as "The Quaker".Richard is believed to have been born in England about 1616.
Richard Parrott and [Elizabeth Thompson] were probably married in England about 1644. They sailed from England to Barbados before 1650 and then to America, settling in Lancaster Co., VA. It is believed that daughter Elizabeth was born in Barbados in about 1645. It is not known when or where Elizabeth died, but Richard married his second wife Sarah Dale about 1648 in VA. Their son Richard, Jr. was the "first man child that was gott and borne in Rappahannock River of English parents". Richard, Jr. married Sarah (Curtis) Halfide. She was the daughter of Maj. Thomas Curtis and wife Averilla ? and was born 16 Aug. 1657 in Ware Parish, Gloster Co., first married William Halfide and died 26 Dec. 1693 in Middlesex Co. It is also not known when wife Sarah died, but Richard married as his third wife Margaret [Haywood] about 1654 and may have had a son Henry by this marriage. Richard Parrott was a vestryman of Christ Church, a Com-missioner of Lancaster Co. in 1656, elected High Sherriff on 5 June 1657, and Senior Justice of Middlesex County Court from 1673 until his death. Richard Parrott died on 11 Nov. 1686 leaving his wife Margaret his plantation of 1000 acres in Middlesex Co., VA.His third wife Margaret died in Middlesex Co. on 30 June 1687. Margaret may have also had a sister named Catherine who married ? Hide.
Child of Richard Parrott and [Elizabeth Thompson] is:
i. Elizabeth Parrott, born Abt. 1645 in [VA/Barbados/England]; died Unknown; married John Buford April 11, 1662, in Middlesex Co., VA.
Generation Two
John Buford (or Beauford) is believed to have been the son of English emigrant Richard Beaufort and Margaret Dora Vause, daughter of John Vause (or Vaulx) who was an early emigrant of Middlesex Co., Virginia, and who probably came to American from France in the mid 1600's. John Buford was born about 1642 in Lancaster Co.,Virginia and probably in Christ Church Parish.
John Buford and Elizabeth Parrot / Perrott marred on April 11, 1662 in Middlesex Co., Virginia. Their marriage was the 6th entry in the Register of Christ Church, Middlesex Co. (formerly Lancaster Co.), Virginia.
A deed from the Land office in Richmond, Virginia on March 1663 by Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Govenor of Virginia, granted John BEAUFORD and FRANCES Broughton 300 acres of land in Lancaster (now Middlesex) County on the south side of the Rappahancock River, due by and for the transportation of six persons".
On March 17, 1663, John Buford and Francis Boughton were granted 300 acres in the County of Lancaster (now Middlesex).
John Buford died on April 18, 1772 in Lancaster Co., Virginia, but it is not know when or where his wife Elizabeth died.[Clark Vinson.ged]
John Buford, born Abt. 1642 in Lancaster Co., VA; died April 18, 1722 in Lancaster Co., VA. He was the son of Richard Beaufort and? Vause. He married Elizabeth Parrott on April 11, 1662 in Middlesex Co., VA.
Elizabeth Parrott, born Abt. 1645 in [VA/Barbados/England]; died Unknown.She was the daughter of Richard Parrott and [Elizabeth Thompson].
John Buford and Elizabeth Parrott were married on 11 Apr. 1662 in Middlesex Co., VA and their marriage was the sixth entry in the Register of Christ Church, Middlesex Co. (formerly Lancaster Co.), VA.A deed from the Land Office in Richmond, VA on Mar. 1663 by Sir William Berkley, Knight, Governor of Virginia, granted "John Beauford and Frances Broughton 300 acres of land in Lancaster (now Middlesex) Co. on the south side of the Rappahannock River, due by and for the transportation of six persons".John Buford died on 18 Apr. 1772 in Lancaster Co., VA, but it is not known when or where his wife Elizabeth died.
Notes for Elizabeth Parrott:
Elizabeth Parrott was the daughter of Richard Parrott and his first wife [Elizabeth Thompson]. She was born in 1645 and either in VA, Barbados, or England.
Children of John Buford and Elizabeth Parrott are:
i. Thomas Buford, born Abt. 1663 in Lancaster Co., VA; died December 09, 1716, in Lancaster Co., VA; married Mary? Abt. 1681 in [Lancaster Co.], VA.
ii. Ambrose Buford, born Abt. 1665 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown; married Elizabeth ?; died Unknown.
iii. Susannah Buford, born Abt. 1667 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown; married Thomas Guy October 14, 1689, in Middlesex Co., VA; died Unknown.
iv. Elizabeth Buford, born Abt. 1669 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown; married William Priest; died Unknown.
Generation Three
Thomas Buford, born Abt. 1663 in Lancaster Co., VA; died December 09, 1716, in Lancaster Co., VA. He was the son of John Buford and 6849. Elizabeth Parrott. He married Mary? Abt. 1681 in [Lancaster Co.], VA. Mary ?, died December 29, 1720, in Lancaster Co., VA.
Notes for Thomas Buford:
Thomas Buford was the son of John Buford and Elizabeth Parrott. He was born in 1663 in Lan-caster Co., VA, and apparently lived his entire life there.
Thomas Buford and Mary ? were married about 1681 and probably in Christ Church Parish, Lan-caster Co., VA. They must have moved shortly after their marriage to Middlesex Co., VA where their first child Thomas, Jr. was born before returning to Lancaster Co.Thomas, Sr. died on 9 Dec. 1716 and wife Mary died on 29 Dec. 1720, both in Lancaster Co., VA.
Children of Thomas Buford and Mary? are:
i. Thomas Buford, Jr., born Abt. 1682 in Middlesex Co., VA; died 1761; married Elizabeth? Abt. 1704 in VA; died Unknown.
ii. Henry Buford, Sr., born Abt. 1684 in Lancaster Co., VA; died January 16, 1719/20 in Lancaster Co., VA; married Mary Osborne September 12, 1707, in Lancaster Co., VA.
iii. Mary Buford, born March 18, 1687/88 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown.
Generation Four
Henry Buford, Sr., born Abt. 1684 in Lancaster Co., VA; died January 16, 1719/20 in Lancaster Co., VA. He was the son of Thomas Buford and Mary ?. He married in 1713. Mary Osborne September 12, 1707, in Lancaster Co., VA.
Mary Osborne, born Abt. 1685 in VA; died Unknown. She was the daughter of Henry Osborne and Mary Simpson.
Notes for Henry Buford, Sr.:
Henry Buford, Sr. was the son of Thomas Buford and Mary?. He was born in 1684 in Lancaster Co., VA, and lived there throughout his life with other members of his family.
Henry Buford, Sr. and Mary Osborne were married on 12 Sep. 1707 in Lancaster Co., VA. They apparently lived their entire lives there and all of their children were most likely born there.
Henry, Sr. died at the very young age of 36 on 16 Jan. 1720 in Lancaster Co. It is not known at this time when or where his wife Mary died.
Notes for Mary Osborne:
Mary Osborne was the daughter of Henry Osborne and Mary Simpson. She was married first to John Parsons on 28 Sep. 1704 in Lancaster Co., VA, but it is believed that she had no children from this marriage.
Children of Henry Buford and Mary Osborne are:
i. William Buford, born June 17, 1708, in [Lancaster Co.], VA; died Unknown; married Elizabeth Owen May 17, 1729, in [Lancaster Co.], VA; died Unknown.
ii. Henry Buford, Jr., born Abt. 1710 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Aft. 1774 in [Lunenburg Co.], VA; married Frances [Corbin] Abt. 1731 in [Lancaster Co.], VA.
iii. James Buford, born Abt. 1712 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown; married Mary ?; died Unknown.
iv. Thomas Buford, born April 11, 1716, in Lancaster Co., VA; died 1793. (Thomas never married.)
v. John Buford, born February 02, 1717/18 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown.
Generation Five
Henry Buford, Jr., born Abt. 1710 in Lancaster Co., VA; died Aft. 1774 in [Lunenburg Co.], VA. He was the son of 1 Henry Buford, Sr. and 1Mary Osborne. He married Frances [Corbin] Abt. 1731 in [Lancaster Co.], VA.
Frances [Corbin], died Unknown in [Lunenburg Co., VA.
Notes for Henry Buford, Jr.
Henry Buford, Jr. was the son of Henry Buford, Sr. and Mary Osborne. He was born in 1710 in Lancaster Co., VA, and was apparently raised there along with the rest of his brothers and sisters.
Henry Buford and Frances [Corbin] were married about 1731 in Lancaster Co., VA. They remained there until about 1740 when they moved to Nottaway Parish, Amelia Co., VA. It is not known just when the family moved to Lunenburg Co., VA, but Henry Buford is shown on the 1772 Tax List and the 1774 Tithe List of that county. Henry Buford, Jr. died sometime after 1774 and probably in Lunenburg Co. It is not known when his wife Frances died, but it is believed that she also died in Lunenburg Co.
Notes for Frances [Corbin]:
Nothing is known at the present time concerning Henry's wife Frances except that her maiden name was probably Corbin.
Children of Henry Buford and Frances [Corbin] are:
i. Thomas Buford, born November 22, 1733, in Lancaster Co., VA; died June 05, 1735, in Lancaster Co., VA.
ii. Mary Buford, born November 24, 1735, in Lancaster Co., VA; died Unknown; married Warren Buford; died Unknown.
iii. Elizabeth Buford, born December 03, 1738, in [Lancaster Co.], VA; died Unknown; married Robert Crenshaw; died Unknown.
iv. William Buford, born May 15, 1742, in Amelia Co., VA; died January 23, 1816, in Lunenburg Co., VA; married Mary Ragsdale 1781 in VA; born Abt. 1761; died Unknown.
v. Catherine Buford, born April 26, 1744, in Amelia Co., VA; died Unknown; married Covington Hardy May 30, 1767, in VA; died Unknown.
vi. James Buford, born July 05, 1746, in Brunswick Par., Amelia Co., VA; died Bef. July 1811 in Williamson Co., TN; married Priscilla Ragsdale Abt. 1770 in VA; born November 05, 1746, in VA; died Unknown.
vii. Frances Buford, born May 17, 1748, in Amelia Co., VA; died Unknown.
viii. LeRoy Buford, born April 29, 1751, in Brunswick Par., Amelia Co., VA; died January 1811 in Chester Dist., SC; married Frances Ragsdale Abt. 1774 in VA.
ix. Josiah Buford, born May 11, 1753, in Amelia Co., VA; died 1789; married Ann Ragsdale; born Abt. 1758; died 1789.
x. Letitia Buford, born September 01, 1758, in Amelia Co., VA; died Unknown; married (1) John Haley; died Unknown; married (2) Joshua Ragsdale; born Abt. 1750 in VA; died 1789 in Lunenburg Co., VA.

Generation Six
LeRoy Buford, born April 29, 1751, in Brunswick Par., Amelia Co., VA; died January 1811 in Chester Dist., SC. He was the son of 856. Henry Buford, Jr. and 857. Frances [Corbin].He married Frances Ragsdale Abt. 1774 in VA. 429.Frances Ragsdale, born Abt. 1755 in VA; died Bef. March 15, 1807. She was the daughter of 858. John Ragsdale and ?.

Member: Dardis Cottrell Johnson Nat'l #: 328710
Ancestor #: A016702
David Cottrell born on 26 - Feb - 1879 at West Point MS
died at West Point MS on 12 - Aug - 1942 and his ( 1st ) wife
Elma Croom born on 15 - Nov - 1878 at Dardanelle AR
died at Denver CO on 22 - Aug - 1940 married on 26 - Feb - 1900
The Said Elma Croom was the child of
John Addison Croom born on - - 1846 at Pinson TN
died at Dardanelle AR on - - 1916 and his ( 1st ) wife
Susan Eleanor White born on 12 - Mar - 1852 at MS
died at Dardanelle AR on - - 1910 married on - - 1874
The Said Susan Eleanor White was the child of
Robert White born on - - at _______________
died at Philadelphia MS on - - 1861 and his ( 1st ) wife
Frances Jane Gaston born on 20 - Oct - 1818 at Pendleton SC
died at Moss Point MS on 16 - Oct - 1862 married on - -
The Said Frances Jane Gaston was the child of
William Gaston Jrborn on 2 - Dec - 1776 at SC
died at Kemper Co MS on 1 - Nov - 1861 and his ( 1st ) wife
Priscilla Buford born on 30 - Sep - 1786 at Lunenburg Co VA
died at Kemper Co MS on 6 - Jul - 1856 married on 23 - Jul - 1805
The Said Priscilla Buford was the child of
Leroy Buford born on 29 - Apr - 1751 at Amelia Co VA
died at Chester Co SC on - - 1810 and his ( 1st ) wife
Frances Ragsdale born on - - 1758 at Lunenburg Co VA
died at _______________ on a - - 1807 married on - -
Ancestor #: A016702
Birth: 4-29-1751 AMELIA CO VIRGINIA
Service Source:
Service Description:

1st Name Left Side
LeRoy Buford, born April 29, 1751, in Brunswick Par., Amelia Co., VA; died January 1811 in Chester Dist., SC. He was the son of 856. Henry Buford, Jr. and 857. Frances [Corbin].He married Frances Ragsdale Abt. 1774 in VA.
Frances Ragsdale, born Abt. 1755 in VA; died Bef. March 15, 1807. She was the daughter of 858. John Ragsdale and ?.
Notes for LeRoy Buford:
LeRoy Buford was the eighth child born to Henry Buford, Jr. and Frances [Corbin]. He was born on 29 Apr. 1751 in Brunswick Parish in Amelia Co., VA. The family had previously lived for a short time in Nottaway Par. in Amelia Co. before arriving in Brunswick Par. It is possible that the family moved to Lunenburg Co., VA in the early 1700s.
LeRoy Buford and Frances Ragsdale were married about 1778 and probably in Lunenburg Co. although no record of this marriage has yet been found.LeRoy Buford is shown on the Tithes and Land Lists of Lunenburg Co. between 1773 and 1776. He is also shown on the 1782-87 taxpayers list of Lunenburg Co. Their third child John R. was born in Chester Dist., SC (according to the Buford family history book) in 1779. Their youngest son Miles was born in Lunenburg Co. in 1789, so the family must have had interests in and stayed in both places at different times during their marriage. LeRoy Buford is mentioned in Court Minutes of Union Co., SC on 2 Jan. 1797 and 9 Nov. 1798 and also on several other occasions. He is also shown on the 1790 Census of the 96th Dist., Union Co., SC and the 1800 Census of Union Dist., SC, so it is likely that the family settled in this area shortly after Miles' birth and remained there until LeRoy's death.
LeRoy Buford's will was written on 15 Mar. 1807 and probated in Jan. 1811 in Union Dist., SC. The
appraisal of the will was completed on 6 Feb. 1811 and the will was filed on 26 Feb. 1811 in Union Dist., SC. The executor named in the will was the son, Miles Buford. LeRoy's wife is not mentioned in the will and it is presumed that she died before it was written. In his will, LeRoy mentions 9 children and his inventory included Negro slaves Primus, Scilla, Hannah, and Ann. His sons John Ragsdale (according to the Buford family history book), Robert, and Miles later moved to Fayette Co., TN.
More About LeRoy Buford:
Burial: Unknown, Fishing Creek Meeting House Cem., Chester Dist., SC
Notes for Frances Ragsdale:
Frances Ragsdale was the fifth child born to John Ragsdale and ? . Very little is known about her except that the family was living in Lunenburg Co., VA during the period 1770-1787.
Children of LeRoy Buford and Frances Ragsdale are:
i. Priscilla Buford, born Abt. 1775 in [Lunenburg Co.], VA; died Unknown.
ii. Joshua Buford, born Abt. 1776 in [VA/SC]; died Unknown.
iii. Mary (Polly) Buford, born April 30, 1777; died July 39, 1854 in Chester County, SC; married Rev. John Baird Davies on June 27, 1797; died February 9 1845 in Chester County, SC. He was the son of Rev. Jon Baird Davies Sr. and Jane Jennet Barkley
Mary Polly and John had a daughter, Amelia Hardy Davies, who would marry Confederado William Patton McFadden in Chester, SC on August 7, 1833. She would die on March 7, 1860, in Chester County, before the Mcfadden family made the move to Brazil. William married secondly on July 11, 1863, to Sarah Miller. She was from Kershaw County, SC, the daughter of Robert Hudson Miller and Cynthia Jane Davies. Cynthia, coincidentally, was the sister of John Baird Davies Jr., the father of Amelia Hardy Davies. See McFadden family page.
iv. John Ragsdale Buford, born July 03, 1779, in Chester Dist., SC; died May 23, 1839, in Fayette Co., TN; married Esther Eaves December 25, 1804, in Chester Co., SC; born November 15, 1784, in [Chester Co.], SC; died Aft. 1840 in Chester Co., SC.
v. Josiah Buford, born Abt. 1781 in [VA/SC]; died Unknown.
vi. Robert Buford, born March 03, 1783, in Lunenburg Co., VA; died August 20, 1869, in Rienzi, MS; married Lydia Black August 26, 1821; died Unknown.
vii. Patience Amelia Buford, born August 26, 1784, in [VA/SC]; died October 23, 1834, in Chester Dist., SC; married Capt. William Stringfellow May 03, 1804, in Chester Dist., SC; died Unknown.
More About Patience Amelia Buford:
Burial: Unknown, Fishing Creek Meeting House Cem., Chester Dist., SC
viii. Miles Buford, born April 01, 1789, in Lunenburg Co., VA; died April 16, 1871, in Claiborne Par., LA; married (1) Catherine Young January 15, 1807, in Union/Chester Co., SC; married (2) Jemima S. Buford September 12, 1828, in Fayette Co., TN.
ix. Susan Buford, born 1791 in Lunenburg County Virginia; died February 7, 1868, in Chester County, SC; married James Ewing McFadden; Born July 28 1784 in Chester County and died Nov- ember 14, 1844 also in Chester County.
Susan was the grandmother of Confederado Dr. James McFadden Gaston, the leader of the Xiririca Colony to Brazil. He was the cousin to John Ridley Buford. See Gaston family page.
Generation Seven
John Ragsdale Buford
John R. Buford was born July 5, 1779, in Chester County, SC, and died May 23 1839 in Fayette County, TN. He married Esther HollidayEaves in 1804 in South Carolina.. She was born on November 15, 1784, in Chester County, SC to Marks Eaves and Frances Holliday. She died on November 23, 1851, and would be buried in Chester County.
John and Esther moved from Chester County, South Carolina to Fayette County, Tennessee about Nov 1825. He and Esther sold their Chester County, South Carolina land on the 10th and 12th of Nov 1825. Esther Buford admitted to Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church, Chester County, South Carolina 1806. John R Buford admitted to Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church, Chester County, South Carolina 1809. The couple was dismissed by Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church 1825-1826. Their children's birthplace: Jefferson was born in Union County, South Carolina. Dudamia, Jemima, John, Patience, and Mary were all baptized at Fishing Creek Presbyterian in Chester County, South Carolina
John's will recorded in Fayette County, Tennessee 11 May 1839. After John's death, Esther returned to Chesterville, South Carolina, and died there. She is buried in Purity Presbyterian Cemetery in Chester County, South Carolina. Her daughters Patience Emeline (Buford) Alexander and Emily Ridley Jane Buford are buried in the same cemetery. It is believed that Esther lived with her daughter Patience and Patience's husband Sample Alexander until her death
2 "History and Genealogy of the Buford Family in America with Records of a Number of Allied Families", by Captain Marcus Bainbridge Buford, San Francisco, California, 1903, revised and enlarged by George Washington Buford and Mildred Buford Minter, 1924, published by Mildred Buford Minter, La Belle, Mo - Gives complete Buford and Ragsdale lines through Miles Buford
3 "Transactions of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina", No 68, 1963, p 53, "The Buford Family in South Carolina", contributed by Mary McLure Butt, Charleston, South Carolina
11 Chester County, South Carolina, Book E, p 46, Apartment No 3, Package No 57 - Will of Leroy Buford dated 15 Mar 1807, probated Jan 1811
Genealogy Report: Ancestors of Ryan Kirk Miller
John Ragsdale Buford, born July 03, 1779, in Chester Dist., SC; died May 23, 1839, in Fayette Co., TN; married Esther Eaves December 25, 1804, in Chester Co., SC; born November 15, 1784, in [Chester Co.], SC; died Aft. 1840 in Chester Co., SC.
Notes for John Ragsdale Buford::
John R. Buford was the third child born to LeRoy Buford and Frances Ragsdale. He was born in the Chester Dist., SC on 5 July 1779. Some question exists concerning his middle name. LeRoy Buford's will states it to be Rand, while the Buford family history book says it is Ragsdale.
John R. Buford and Esther Eaves were married on 25 Dec. 1804 in Chester Co., SC. Shortly after their marriage, they moved to Fayette Co., TN, along with John R.'s brothers Robert and Miles. Two of the children born to John R. and Esther were born in Fayette Co. John R. Buford died in Fayette Co. on 23 May 1839. His wife Esther is believed to have returned to Chester Co., SC, and died there.
Notes for Esther Eaves:
Esther Eaves was the daughter of Mark Eaves and (Sarah) Holiday. Very little else is known about her at this time.
Children of John Buford and Esther Eaves are:
i. William D. Buford, born November 30, 1805, in SC; died September 30, 1839, in Nacogdoches Co., TX; married Letitia Buford Abt. 1830 in Fayette Co., TN; born March 23, 1812, in SC; died October 26, 1861, in [Nacogdoches Co.], TX.
ii. Jefferson Buford, born August 17, 1807, in Union Dist., SC; died August 28, 1862, in Clayton, AL; married Rebecca Ann White May 30, 1839; died Unknown.
iii. Didomia Buford, born October 27, 1809, in SC; died Unknown; married William Ferguson; died Unknown.
iv. Jemima S. Buford, born November 16, 1811, in [Chester Co.], SC; died January 20, 1891, in Claiborne Par., LA; married Miles Buford September 12, 1828, in Fayette Co., TN.
v. John Osmond Holliday Buford, born June 12, 1814, in SC; died Unknown; married Caroline Augusta Black November 05, 1846, in Fayette Co., TN; died Unknown.
vi. Patience Emline Buford, born December 14, 1816, in SC; died November 23, 1857; married Sample Alexander 1839; died Unknown.
vii. Mary McFadden Buford, born March 15, 1818; died Unknown; married Cyrus Davis Melton October 22, 1844; died Unknown.
viii. Esther Amelia Caroline Buford, born October 25, 1821; died 1860; married Dr. E. M. Heron; died Unknown.
ix. James McClure Buford, born November 13, 1824; died Unknown; married Maldie Cowan June 14, 1859, in Eufala, AL; died Unknown.
x. Harvey Louis Marion Buford, born August 03, 1826, in Fayette Co., TN; died November 17, 1841.
xi. Emily Ridley Jane Buford, born January 29, 1831, in Fayette Co., TN; died January 11, 1849.
Jefferson Buford
(1807-1862) was a Barbour County (Alabama) lawyer best known for attempting to move pro-slavery settlers into the Kansas territory during the mid-1850s to ensure slavery wouldn't be outlawed in the state as it entered the Union. He was an officer in the U.S. Army during the Creek War of 1836.
Buford served in the state legislature during the 1840s and was a leading voice for secession leading up to the Civil War.

Kansapedia, Kansas Historical Society
Jefferson Buford
Proslavery colonizer. 1807 - 1861
Jefferson Buford, leader of the famous “Buford Expedition” to Kansas Territory, was born on August 17, 1807, in Chester County, South Carolina. After studying law he became a lawyer in Eufaula, Barbour County, Alabama, and during the Creek Indian War of 1836, he served in Alabama, earning the rank of major for his efforts. Following the war, he returned to Alabama where he owned and operated a slave plantation on the Chattahoochee River.
The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 left the slavery question undecided in the newly established territories. The act's proviso allowed the people of the territory to determine the slavery question at the time they ratified their state constitution for admission into the Union of states. As a result, the settlement of the territory of Kansas with actual proslavery voters became a crucial issue, if slavery were to be successfully approved at the ballot box and then incorporated into the written laws adopted under the new, proslavery state constitution.
By late 1855 the border ruffians from Missouri were finding it difficult to maintain a majority voting presence in Kansas because of the large influx of free-state men emigrating from the northern states. The Missourians responded with an open appeal to the other slave-holding states to send men to Kansas in order to secure the “peculiar institution” as the predominant socio-economic system in place within the territory.
On November 11, 1855, Buford heeded the call. He enlisted fellow southerners in a colonization effort that would locate in Kansas and make sure the territory entered the Union as a slave state. “Buford's Expedition,” as it became commonly known, encompassed some 400 men gathered mostly from the states of Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia. These men all agreed to settle in Kansas in return for free transportation there, a year's guaranteed means of support while there, and a homestead of 40 acres of the first-rate land upon arrival. On April 5, 1856, this group of proslavery men finally left by steamboat from Montgomery, Alabama, for Kansas and they arrived in the territory on May 2.
The newly arrived proslavery group was immediately enrolled into the Kansas territorial militia to help arrest several free-state men in Lawrence, who had been indicted by a Douglas County grand jury. The posse, as it became known, was under the leadership of U.S. Marshal Israel B. Donalson. It entered Lawrence and made a few arrests of free-state men. After disbanding, the posse was once more reconstituted under the leadership of Douglas County Sheriff Samuel J. Jones to assist in serving some writs. What soon followed was the sacking and burning of several buildings known to be free-state businesses. After the looting and burning had ended, Buford disclaimed he had come purposely to Kansas to destroy property and condemned the course of action that had occurred in Lawrence.
In June Buford left Kansas for the South and then Washington, D.C., where he attempted to muster greater support among proslavery men for relocating as colonists to Kansas. Late in 1857 he finally returned to Kansas only to find the company of proslavery men he had originally raised in 1855 had disbanded with many returning south to their respective homes. Upon learning of the course of events, Buford also elected to leave Kansas for Alabama. He journeyed to Clayton, Alabama, where on August 28, 1861, he died of heart disease.
Battle of Pea River
The Battle of Pea River was a battle fought between the Alabama Militia and the Creek Indians during the Second Creek War, in the vicinity of the present-day Pike County, Alabama, roughly 17 miles east of Troy, Alabama in the United States.
Many Creek Indians in central and south Alabama were being forced off their lands that were guaranteed to them by the United States. The Creeks, angry that the land that had been promised to them was being taken from them by local settlers by violent force. A band of about 400 Creeks responded by burning local homes and plantations along the Pea River swamp as they moved south. Even the Three Notch Trail that traversed through Troy was considered dangerous at this point, as other local Creek Indians around the area were turning violent and burning and looting houses along the stretch of road.
In response to the threat by the Creeks, a force of over 250 combined Alabama and Georgia militiamen led under U.S. General William Wellborn tracked the band of 400 Creeks that included men, women, and children. The path of the Creeks had become easy to find due to the several looted and burned plantations they had left behind them as they moved south.
The battle occurred on March 27, 1837, roughly 17 miles to the east of Troy, where the Pea River and Pea Creek converge near Hobdy's Bridge. After General Wellborn found the temporary camp that the Creeks had set up in a nearby swamp, he divided his command into two wings to encircle the Creeks. He personally commanded one wing and placed the other under U.S. Colonel Jefferson Buford. The Creeks detected the approach, however, and attacked and scattered Colonel Buford's wing.
When Wellborn's command neared the camp, trudging through waist-high water, they could hear gunfire erupting further down the river. Wellborn immediately ordered his men through the mud and water at a full run. Upon encountering the Creeks downstream, a fierce four-hour battle began on opposite sides of a nearby lagoon. The Creek warriors, many of whom were later found to have been using bullets made of melted pewter plates, made several unsuccessful charges on the militia's line before being overrun. Records from some of the participants in the battle reported that some of the Creek women and children also took up arms to fight, raining showers of rifle balls and arrows on the militiamen. In one case, two of the Creek women attacked a member of the militia with knives. Unable to defeat the desperate Creeks with gunfire alone, Wellborn finally ordered a direct charge on their lines. The tactic worked as many of the Creeks fled to their encampment to carry off their children, some even swimming the river in order to flee. As the fighting was drawing to an end and many of the Creeks began to flee, the scene then devolved into a massacre among the Creek Indians.
Reports show that at least fifty Creek men, women, and children were killed and an unknown number captured. The Creek survivors continued their flight south in small groups. According to some reports, some of the captured Creeks were enslaved by local planters. Only five Americans were killed, among them General Wellborn's teenage son, James H. Wellborn.
In winning the Battle of Pea River & Pea Creek, Wellborn had defeated the refugee Creeks but had failed to surround and capture all of them as he had hoped. Instead, they fled south down the Pea River to its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River and continued across the line into Florida. Furious at their treatment, they continued to battle the whites for years to come.
The Battle of Pea River is the last recorded battle of the Second Creek War, as the war with the Creeks shifted south to Florida where the eventual Second Seminole War would take place.
^ "The Battles of Hobdy's Bridge and Pea River - Louisville - AL - US - Historical Marker Project".
^ "The Battle of Hobdy's Bridge and Pea River and Pea Creek: An indiscriminate Slaughter (2014)". Pike County Historical, Genealogical & Preservation Society.