William Henry
William Henry Capps
BIRTH 1841 • Alabama, USA
DEATH 6 OCT 1904 • Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Married 1st: Before 1872, Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Brazil
Elizabeth Annie "Annie" Ellis
BIRTH ABT 1852 • Copiah County, Mississippi, USA
DEATH 1891 • San Pablo, Brazil
Daughter of Warren Montgomery Ellis and Mary Matilda Strong
Married 2nd: About 1894 in Brazil
Agnes Marianna Hawthorne
BIRTH OCT 1867) • West Ham. Essex,
DEATH BEFORE 1900 • Brazi
Daughter of Englishman Michael Charles Hawthorne and Frances Miriam Alston
William Henry Capps was born in 1841, or 1845 ?, being the son of William Calhoun Capps and Mary Matilda Capps. It is said that he came to Brazil - from the state of. Alabama. We don't know when he arrived. He married, in Santa Barbara, SP, Anne Ellis, daughter of Warren Montgomery Ellis and Mary Matilda (Strong) Ellis, probably shortly after August 1869. William and Anne would have 12 or 13 children. Of these, the name of 8 can be found in the regis-
ration of W. H. Capps, which took place on June 6, 1890. Anne must have died shortly before April 30, .1890, because, in the list of voters in Santa Barbara in the 49th quarter of the city the name of Henry Capps _ appears as a widow, for about 45 years, therefore not coinciding with that of registration of death.

The information below was loosely translated from Portuguese.
In August 1883, and April 1894, W.H. Capps acquired ownership activities in the area of Santa Barbara, SP, as evidenced by documents found in Cartorio. In 1892, his name appears in the list of electoral names in Santa Barbara, SP. In 1893, he paid the City Hall tax on the mill (sugar? Brandy?). that was yours and on the 1899 voters' list, there is a note 1: 1 along the. This must be Correct Do1s, as it appears in the Obito Registry.
** The name of WH Capps was with others on the commission appointed by PIB / SB, in order to prepare and sign a document that would be valid for the registration of WB Bagby and then EH Soper, as pastors, in accordance with that established by Imperial Decrees. , from 1861 and 1863.
We try to get other information about w.H. Capps, through two of his descendants, however, our efforts were unsuccessful. Those who are here have found themselves in the docs:! 111 of arorio and the Arch.! _ Municipal voor of Santa Barbara d Oeste, in addition to references in the book Sol Given Descansa.
William Henry Capps' name appears almost always written as HENRY CAPPS.
SOURCE: Loosely translated and paraphrased from the original Portuguese manuscript.
Uma Contribuiao para a Hist6ria dos Prim6rdios do Trabalho Batista no Brasil 1985
Betty Antunes de Oliveira
William and Annie:
Henry Spencer Capps
BIRTH ABT 1872 • Brazil
DEATH 1 DEC 1930 • Bibb, Georgia, USA
Married: May 1908
Ethel Fugate
BIRTH 8 DEC 1885 • Mississippi, USA
DEATH 1 JUN 1962 • Bibb, Georgia, USA
Daughter of Braxton Brock Fugate Jr and Annie Ewing Sturges
Ella George Capps
BIRTH ABT 1883 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
Edwin Capps
BIRTH ABT 1883 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
Allie Capps
BIRTH ABT 1885 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
Clarence Capps
BIRTH ABT 1887 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
Charles Roland Capps
BIRTH ABT 1890 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
Robert Capps
BIRTH ABT 1892 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
Beulah Capps
Monroe Capps
Fredrick Capps
Arthur Capps
Child by William and Agnes
Miriam Constance Capps
BIRTH 29 JAN 1894 • Sao Paolo Brazil
DEATH 11 AUG 1973 • Sao Paolo Brazil
His second marriage, W. H. Capps married on April 18,.1892, with Agnes Mariana Hawthorne, according to marriage registration, in Santa Barbara. On January 29, 1894 Mirian Constance Capps was born and died on August 11, 1983 buried in the field of Campo. Agnes (or Ignes?) Mariana (Hawthorne) Capps must have died between 1894 and 1900, since in W. H. Capps's death record he is mentioned as a widower.
He was buried in the - Cem1ter10 do Campo. The inscription of his tomb, like that of Anne, has his month, but not the dates. According to the W. H. Capps death record, we have the name and age of the following children: Henry Spencer, 32; Edwin and Ella, 25; Allie, 23; Clarence, 21; Roland, 18; Robert, 12 (his age should be 15). In SD, the names of Arthur, George, Frederick, Charles Monroe and Beulah are also mentioned.