BIRTH ABT 1797 • Georgia
DEATH 23 MAY 1866 • New York, New York, USA Died at sea, buried in New York County, New York, USA
NOTES: (Found online - Ancetry.com)
Yes I've also read "The Lost Colony of the Confederacy". We have it locally at Portland State University - so, I have easy access to it.
Here's the rest of what I know about William Barr:
My ancestor, James Daniel, Sr. who attempted to immigrate to Brazil after the Civil War had a daugther named Nancy Daniel.William Barr married Nancy Daniel on 2 Feb 1862 in Monroe Co., AL.
James Daniel didn't turn all his gold into confederacy currency.He hide his gold will, withstanding several yankee raids.At the end of the war James Daniel had enough money to pay his post-war taxes on his land and sell it to Thomas Barr for $12,000.
James Daniel chartered his own ship to make the voyage to Brazil.They tried once - but, returned to Mobile because of a small pox outbrake on board ship.They tried again in several months - this time James Daniel's saw his wife Lydia and daughter Nancy and many of his grandchildren die of smallpox.Lydia and Elizabeth Newman were the children of William and Nancy Barr - who died on this voyage.This is the Newpaper article regarding their voyage.
Mobile Register and Advertiser
Sunday Morning, March 25, 1866
Copied by Mrs. Lois Dumas Mitchell
The steamer Margaret, after long detention by the illness of her captain and other unavoidable hindrances, is to sail today for the city of Para, Brazil, with a full freight and thirty-two passengers. This is the second detachment of Major Hasting's Colony. The first, it will be remembered, was wrecked some weeks ago, on the coast of Cuba, in the Schooner Neptune. Both these colonies have been made up chiefly in Alabama.
We are not acquainted with the colonist who accompany Major Hastings but are informed that they are substantial, respectable citizens of Alabama and the adjacent states.
The following is a list of the passengers for Para by the steamer Margaret, which cleared yesterday:
Maj. L.H. Hastings
O. F. Chaffit
Capt. W. Mathews
S. C. Sparks
James Daniel, Sr.
Mrs. Lydia Daniel [wife of James & dau of John Davis & Elizabeth Murphy]
Miss Drucilla Daniel [dau of James Sr.-m. Col. Asa Thompson Oliver in Brazil]
Miss Lydia Daniel[dau. of James Sr.
B. H. Harrison [Benjamin Henry Harrison, brother to Mrs. Ann. H. - listed below]
Mrs. E. Harrison [dau of James Sr.]
Nancy Harrison
William Barr
Mrs. Nancy Barr [dau of James Sr.]
Lydia Barr
Elizabeth Barr
Joseph Daniel [eldest son of James Sr.]
Mrs. Ann H. Daniel [Mary Ann Haseltine Harrison, dau of Hartwell Harrison and Mary Ann Key (granddau of Capt. Henry Key and Phoebe Talbot)
Charles Daniel
Joseph Perry
Camilla Daniel
Stephen E. Daniel
James Daniel, Jr. [my great+++grandfather - son of James Sr]
Mrs. M. Daniel [ Martha Minerva Graves]
Daniel Lambert
Thomas I. Carter
Mrs. Margaret Carter
Robert J. Carter
Wm. B. Graham
Mrs. Mary J. Graham
John H. Graham
William A. Graham
Jane R. Graham
Augustin Simmons
William F. Routh
After the death of Nancy - William married her sister Lydia Daniel.
I believe that the second ship had damage due to a storm and went to NYC. James Daniel, Sr is buried there (he'd be rolling over - the hometown of the Carpetbaggers) in NYC and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn.
What was left of the family continued on to Brazil - all that survived returned to the States over time. I was told that some of the men had war crimes and had to remain out of the country until they were pardoned.
And, I am in communication with descendants of the Confederados who still live in Brazil via e-mail. (It made me very happy to find them)
The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed. Page 1
....Mr. William Burr of Alabama came to Brazil in July 1866. He bought one-fourth interest in Sitio, purchased by Messrs. Daniels & Hall, for which he paid $5,000, containing 300 0r 400 acres, almost entirely terra roclus. Mr. Burr has made two crops of cotton and corn; 13 acres of cotton the present year, which were planted very late, and therefore made but 7 bales. He raised sufficient corn for his own use. Mr. Burr's plantation is finely located.....
Mobile Register and Advertiser
Sunday Morning, March 25, 1866
Copied by Mrs. Lois Dumas Mitchell
The steamer Margaret, after long detention by the illness of her captain and other unavoidable hindrances, is to sail today for the city of Para, Brazil, with a full freight and thirty-two passengers. This is the second detachment of Major Hasting's Colony. The first, it will be remembered, was wrecked some weeks ago, on the coast of Cuba, in the Schooner Neptune. Both these colonies have been made up chiefly in Alabama.

James J Daniel Sr
BIRTH 16 SEP 1795 • Henry County, Georgia, USA
DEATH 23 MAY 1866 • International Waters, aboard the steamer "Margaret" bound for Brazil of smallpox. Burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Lydia Davis
BIRTH 1807 • Georgia, USA
DEATH 1866 • Aboard Ship "Cromwell", Enroute To Brazil from smallpox. Buried in the Florida Keys, USA.
Daughter of John Davis and Elizabeth Murphy
1. Joseph Stephen Daniel
2. Mary Elizabeth Daniel
3. John M. Daniel
4. Nancy Daniel
5. James J. Ganiel Jr.
6. Drucilla Daniel
7. Lydia Eugenia Daniel
Joseph Stephen Daniel
BIRTH 5 FEB 1828 • Monroeville, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 30 NOV 1874 • Corsicana, Navarro, Texas, USA
Married: 16 May 1852 • Monroe County, Alabama, USA
Anna Haseltine Harrison
BIRTH 13 SEP 1832 • Edgefield County, South Carolina, USA
DEATH 11 JUN 1917 • Waco, McLennan, Texas, USA
Daughter of Hartwell Harrison and Mary Ann Key
1. Mary Anne Daniel 2. Emily Lydia Daniel
3. Charles Davis Daniel 4. James Hartwell Daniel
5. Joseph Perry Daniel 6. Camilla Daniel
7. Ann Parmelia Daniel 8. Ruth Daniel
9. Stephen Elias Daniel 10 Dr. Joseph S Daniel Sr.
11 John Aldred Daniel 12 James Perry Daniel
13 Hartwell Harrison Daniel 14 Leonard Hayden Daniel
(Details on Children)
Mary Elizabeth Daniel
BIRTH 30 SEP 1830 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
Married: 6 Sep 1846 • Monroe, Alabama, USA
Benjamin Henry Harrison
BIRTH 31 AUG 1823 • Edgefield County, South Carolina, USA
DEATH 26 AUG 1873 • Corsicana, Navarro, Texas, USA
Son of Hartwell Harrison and Mary Ann Key
In 1850 Benjamin and Mary Eliszabeth were living in the household of her father, James J. Daniel Sr.
In March of 1866 the Harrison family sailed with his in-laws, the Daniels on the "Margaret", part of the Hastings immigration colony to the Amazon region. The ship had a devestating smallpox outbreak on board, decimating the Daniel family. In the 1860 Federal census in Monroe county Alabama, there is a daughter by the name of Lydia. There is no mention of a daughter by the name of Nancy. Could they possibly be the same person? Nancy is listed on the manifest of the "Margaret". She apparently died young as their is no further mention of her. She could have been one of the casualties of the smallpox outbreak. The Harrisons apparently traveled back ti the United States after a short stay in Brazil and settled with other members of the Daniel family in Navarro County, Texas,
Lydia Harrison
BIRTH 1850 • Mobile, Alabama, USA
Died Young
Age 10 on 1860 Census
Not listed on 1870 Federal Census
Not listed on the "Margaret manifest.
Nancy A, Harrison
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH Unknown
Not listed on either 1860 or 1870 Federal Census, but is listed on the "Margaret" manifest
John M Daniel
BIRTH 1836 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 30 JUL 1917 • Purdue Hill, Monroe, Alabama, USA
Married: 09 Feb 1864 • Mobile, Alabama, USA
Arnett Nichols
New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger
and Crew Lists
Name John Daniel
Gender Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality American
Age 30
Birth Date 1837
Place of Origin United States of America
Departure PortAspinwall, Panama
Destinatio nUSA
Arrival Date 2 May 1867
Arrival Port New York, New York, USA
Ship NameHenry Chauncey
Nancy Daniel
BIRTH 1839 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 1866 • Brazil
Died shortly after arrival in Brazil - probably due to smallpox
Married: 02 Feb 1862 • Monroe County, Alabama, USA
William Barr
BIRTH 1825 • Alabama, USA
William Barr married 2nd: 1867 • Pará, Bahia, Brazil
Lydia Eugenia Daniel, Nancy Daniel's younger sister. See Child number 7.
Elizabeth Newman Barr
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH 1866 • International Waters (Died of smallpox)
Lydia Barr
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH 1866 • International Waters (Died of smallpox)
James J Daniel Jr
BIRTH 24 DEC 1843 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 27 AUG 1883 • Shreveport, Bossier, Louisiana, USA
Married: 6 Mar 1866 • Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, USA
Martha Minerva "Mattie" Graves
BIRTH 4 JAN 1849 • Harrison County, Texas, USA
DEATH 10 DEC 1935 • Plains, Yoakum, Texas, USA
1. May Bell Daniel 2. Ada Daniel
3. James Marcus Daniel 4. Florence Adelaide Daniel
5. Walter James Daniel 6. Lydia Daniel
7. William Cook Daniel 8. Ella Mae Daniel
9. Katie Beatrice Daniel

(Details on Children)
Drucilla Daniel
BIRTH 1844 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 29 JAN 1889 • Jacksboro, Jack, Texas, USA
Married 1st: 1870 • Americana, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Col. Asa Thompson Oliver Sr.
BIRTH 14 NOV 1819 • Elbert County, Georgia, USA
DEATH 28 JUL 1873 • Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Son of Simeon Oliver Sr. and Mildred Terrell White
Asa Thompson Oliver, planter, was born on November 14, 1819,
in Elbert County, Georgia, the son of Simeon and Mildred Oliver.
He moved with his wife and children from Mississippi to Texas in
the mid-1850s. By 1858 he had acquired almost a half league of
prime farmland in the Hempstead area east of the Brazos River in
Austin County, now in Waller County.
That year his estate, which included seventy slaves, was valued at almost $48,000. By 1860 he had accumulated 105 slaves and held property worth $205,000, ranking him among the county's wealthiest residents. Following the outbreak of the Civil War in the spring of 1861, Oliver was chosen to help organize public defense as a member of the Central Executive Committee of Austin County. Like most large planters he was badly damaged by the Confederate defeat and emancipation; by mid-1865 his estate had plummeted in value to $25,000. In 1866 he and his wife and three children joined the postbellum emigration of former Confederates to Latin America; they settled in the colony of Santa Barbara D'Oeste in the Campinas district of São Paulo province, Brazil. There Oliver purchased an extensive plantation and a number of slaves and began cultivating his property.
Unfortunately, his wife, Beatrice, and daughter, Indiana, who had suffered chronic distress since the end of the war and remained debilitated during the voyage to Brazil, contracted tuberculosis. Beatrice succumbed to the disease on July 13, 1868. Since there were no non-Catholic cemeteries nearby, Oliver devoted a small corner of one of his fields to burials and interred his wife there. Indiana, age seventeen, died on April 19, 1869, of the disease and was buried near her mother. That same year Oliver's younger daughter, Mildred, fourteen, distraught over the deaths of her mother and sister and burdened with the care of her father and younger brother, also fell gravely ill; she died shortly before Christmas and was interred beside her loved ones. The family burial ground, known as the "Campo," became a significant Protestant cemetery for the American settlers of the vicinity. A. T. Oliver was buried beside his family after he was murdered by one of his slaves on July 28, 1873. Subsequent owners of the Oliver property erected a small chapel on the cemetery grounds.
Find A Grave:
Mrs. Drucilla D. Oliver married Walter Scott Jones on 11 July 1877 at Jacksboro, Texas. Marriage was officiated by John G. Shinn, First Christian minister at Jacksboro. Walter Scott Jones was in the union army and would have been compatible with the residents of Jack County since they did not secede from the Union during the Civil War. By 1880, Jones was a farmer and surveyor for the Texas & Pacific Railroad. After his wife's death, he moved away from Jack County.
Newspaper accounts show she moved to Jack County, Texas by 1875.
Mrs. Walter Scott Jones died at her home on College Street, Tuesday morning, January 29th, after an illness of many months. Her remains were interred in Oakwood cemetery Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jones had long been an exemplary member of the Baptist church and had resided in Jacksboro for a number of years and had many friends who sympathize with the bereaved family
Find A Grave:
Son of Benjamin Franklin and Alice Monroe Jones, Walter grew up in Essex County and served in the Confederate Cavalry from King William County, Virginia from late 1861-1863. After the Civil War, he moved first to Arkansas and then to Jack County, Texas, marrying Drucilla Daniel Oliver, widow of Colonel(C.S.A) Asa Thompson Oliver in 1877. Drucilla had moved back to the United States from Brazil with three children in March of 1876 after the untimely demise of her first husband. Walter and Drucilla had two children of their own: Laura, born in 1879 and Annie, born in 1883. Walter became a step-father to Drucilla's two children by her first husband: Asa Thompson Oliver, Jr. and Catherine Meriwether Oliver, as well as to Zimri Shelton Oliver, Drucilla's step-son. Drucilla died in 1889. After that, Walter reared his two daughters until they married.
CHILDREN by Asa Thompson Oliver
1. Kathryn Meriwether "Katie" Oliver
2. Asa Thompson Oliver Jr
Married 2ND:
Walter Scott Jones
BIRTH FEB 1838 • Essex County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 23 JUL 1915 • Liberty County, Texas, USA
Son of Benjamin Franklin Jones and Alice J. Monroe
CHILDREN by Walter Scott Jones
3. Laura Monroe "Deanie" Jones
4. Anna F. "Annie" Jones
Kathryn Meriweather "Katie" Oliver
BIRTH 8 AUG 1871 • São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 2 SEP 1957 • Joplin, Newton, Missouri, USA
Married: 21 Nov 1900 • Sherman, Grayson, Texas, USA
Samuel David Johns
BIRTH 8 OCT 1870 • Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USA
DEATH 15 DEC 1958 • Baytown, Harris, Texas, USA
Son of Napoleon Bonaparte Johns and Sarah Catherine Stephens
Janice Johns
BIRTH 20 OCT 1901 • Liberty County, Texas, USA
DEATH 11 OCT 1995 • Marble Falls, Burnet, Texas, USA
Married: 1900
Walter Franklin Redding Jr
BIRTH 30 DEC 1902 • Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois, USA
DEATH 29 JUN 1983 • Joplin, Newton, Missouri, USA
Son of Walter Franklin Redding Sr and Laura E. Phihower
Oliver Daniel Johns
BIRTH 6 FEB 1904 • Collinsville, Grayson Texas, USA
DEATH 28 FEB 1996 • Norman, Cleveland, Oklahoma, USA
Married: 1 Jun 1931 • , Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
Mary Avolyn Davis
BIRTH 11 DEC 1909 • Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
DEATH 20 OCT 1998 • Oklahoma, USA
Daughter of James Christopher Davis and Maud M Connelly
Annie Laura Johns
BIRTH 13 MAY 1906 • Grayson County, Texas, USA
DEATH 26 JUL 1999 • Marble Falls, Burnet, Texas, USA
Married: 28 Nov 1927 • Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, USA
George Earl Clary Sr
BIRTH 1905 • Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 22 MAY 1984 • Coleman, Coleman, Texas, USA
Son of George Edward Clary and Matilda Anna Roff
Herman Samuel Johns
BIRTH 21 SEP 1908 • Grayson County, Texas, USA
DEATH 6 DEC 1993 • Hendersonville, Henderson, North Carolina, USA
Married: 14 Oct 1939 • Dallas, Texas, USA
Dorothy Lee Wood
BIRTH 25 JUL 1913 • Hugo, Choctaw, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 21 OCT 2000 • Marble Falls, Burnet, Texas, USA
Daughter of Ambrose Lee Wood and Margaret Anne "Annie" Hatfield

Asa Thompson Oliver Jr
BIRTH 15 JAN 1873 • São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 16 NOVEMBER 1946 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Married: 20 Aug 1895 • Denton County, Texas, USA
Alice Wright Gill
BIRTH 3 AUG 1879 • Bean Station, Grainger, Tennessee, USA
DEATH 1 SEPT 1961 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Daughter of Frank Harrell Gill and Lucy Proffett McCorkle
Shelton Zimrey "Jimmy" Oliver
BIRTH 12 MAY 1896 • Willis, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 13 DEC 1969 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Married 1st: 28 OCT 1917 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Jewell E Woody
BIRTH 20 AUG 1900 • Pickens County, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, USA
DEATH 27 SEP 1937 • Ardmore, Carter, Oklahoma, USA
Daughter of Thomas Fletcher Woody and Falby Emira McCoy
Married 2nd: 1939 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Anna Eastwood
BIRTH 6 OCT 1919 • Madill, Marshall County, OK
DEATH 30 DEC 1996 • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
Daughter of William Franklin "Will" Eastwood and Jennie Carroll
Lucy Profett Oliver
BIRTH 31 DEC 1897 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH JAN 1979 • Douglass, Butler, Kansas, USA
Married 1st: 1916 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Frank Wilbur Vandervort
BIRTH 27 FEB 1895 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 3 JUN 1940 • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA
Son of Wilbur Frank Vandervort and Minnie Lee Hearn
Married 2nd: 28 Dec 1931 • Jackson, Independence, Missouri, USA
Harry Llewellyn Owen
BIRTH 11 AUG 1892 • Emporia, Lyon, Kansas, USA
DEATH 14 AUG 1954 • Alameda County, California, USA
Son of William O Owen and Sarah Ann "Sally" Howe
Kathryn Marie Oliver
BIRTH 29 NOV 1900 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 5 MAY 1991 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Married: 20 Dec 1924 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Chester Reid Coleman
BIRTH SEPT 16,1905 • Colbert, Bryan, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH MAR 4, 1981 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Son of Henry Wilson Coleman and Emma F Salyers
Wayne Oliver
BIRTH 8 JAN 1903 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH SEP 1985 • Kingston, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Married: 23 May 1934 • Carter, Oklahoma, USA
Della Bernice Alexander
BIRTH 4 SEP 1909 • Enos, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH JAN 1976 • Kingston, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Daughter of Clyde Floyd Alexander and Martha Adeline "Mattie" May
Annie Oliver
BIRTH 18 SEP 1906 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 7 AUG 1907 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Died Young
Asa Thompson " Tommy" Oliver III
BIRTH 6 NOV 1913 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 30 JUL 1989 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Married: 9 Feb 1935, Marshall County, Oklahoma, USA
Quincy Millie Benson
BIRTH 22 MAY 1919 • Kingston, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 16 JAN 2008 • Madill, Marshall, Oklahoma, USA
Daughter of Albert Henry Benson and Easter Rollins
Drucilla married secondly
1877 • Texas, USA
Walter Scott Jones
BIRTH FEB 1838 • Essex County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 23 JUL 1915 • Liberty County, Texas, USA
Son of Benjamin Franklin Jones and Alice J Monroe
1. Laura Monroe "Dearie" Jones
2. Anna F "Annie" Jones
Laura Monroe "Dearie" Jones
BIRTH 1 JUL 1879 • Jacksboro, Jacks, Texas, USA
DEATH 15 MAY 1957 • Liberty, Liberty, Texas, USA
Married: 16 Sep 1901 • Liberty, Liberty, Texas, USA
John Lodge Ellis
BIRTH 4 NOV 1869 • Ellis Plantation, Liberty County, Texas, USA
DEATH 21 JAN 1958 • Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Son of Benjamin Franklin Ellis and Emily Ann "Emma" Horn
Dorothy "Dottie" Ellis
BIRTH 29 OCT 1902 • Liberty, Liberty, Texas, USA
DEATH DEC 1984 • Harris County, Texas, USA
Married: 1922 • Texas, USA
Stevens Prevost
BIRTH 28 AUG 1896 • New York, Manhattan, New York, USA
DEATH 9 APR 1952 • Bellaire, Harris, Texas, USA
Son of Emmanuel Emile Prevost and Caroline Leland Stevens
Jeanne "Jan" Stephanie Stevens Prevost
BIRTH 14 OCT 1924 • Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA
DEATH 24 JAN 2004 • Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Married:1st 1943
Lemon Grey (Lem) Neely
BIRTH 4 FEB 1918 • St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio, USA
DEATH 26 MAY 2003 • Kerrville, Kerr, Texas, USA
Son of Harold Grey Neely and Jean Camille Henderson
Married 2nd: 21 Nov 1947 • Harris County, Texas, USA
Jewel Dale Thomas
BIRTH 21 APR 1923 • Texarkana, Bowie, Texas, USA
DEATH 21 JUN 1995 • Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Son of Samuel Houston Thomas and Ethel Mae Meadow
Married 3rd: 2 Nov 1951 • Brazoria County, Texas, USA
Jack Lloyd McComb
BIRTH 14 APR 1920 • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 22 JAN 2007 • Galveston, Galveston, Texas, USA
Son of William Bernard McComb and Sarah Byrd "Sallie" Hamilton
JAN PREVOST MCCOMB, a Houston Area resident for over 50 years, passed away January 24, 2004, she was born October 14, 1924 in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. She started her career at the Houston Chronicle, and then went on to write the "Lets go Shopping with Jan McComb" column in the Houston Post from 1960-1977. Jan was very active in the Houston Press Club and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. She had owned her own catering business called Catering Classics, and practiced Palm Reading as a hobby.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Stevens and Dorothy Prevost, brother, Steven Prevost and her daughter, Dorothy McComb Samuel. Jan is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, Ray and Jerri Neely of Pasadena and Stevens and Lisa McComb of San Antonio; daughters and sons-in-law, Boyce and Frank Pryor of Kemah and Marcie and Steve Millard of League City; grandchildren, Courtney, Bradley, Laura, Kim, Rene', Royce, Joshua and Taylor; great-grandchildren, Madeline and Tristin; aunt, Laura Nan Carroll and cousins, Tom and Laura Carroll all of Liberty. Visitation will be tonight from 5-8 PM at Forest Park East Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be Wednesday, January 28, 2004 at 11 AM at St. Christopher Episcopal Church in League City.
Stevens B Prevost Jr
BIRTH 9 APR 1931 • Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
DEATH 15 FEB 1999 • Kemah, Galveston, Texas, USA
Claudia Mae Barnes
BIRTH 28 JULY 1914 • Grandview, Johnson, Texas, USA
DEATH 23 JUNE 2001 • Kemah, Galveston, Texas, USA
Daughter of Claude Barnes and Stella Wilson
Find A Grave:
Stevens B. Prevost
KEMAH - Stevens B. Prevost, 67, of Kemah passed away, Sunday, February 21, 1999, at his residence. He was born on April 9, 1931, in Houston. Mr. Prevost was retired from the Air. Force and was a member of the BPO Elks #2322 of Kemah.
Survived by his wife, Claudia McCann Prevost of Kemah; sister, Jan McComb of Webster; 3 nieces; 2 nephews; and 1 aunt. Funeral services will be 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 23, 1999, at Jack Rowe Funeral Home. Interment will follow at
Forest Park East Cemetery.

Walter John Ellis
BIRTH 16 JUL 1913 • Liberty, Liberty, Texas, USA
DEATH 16 APR 1964 • Baytown, Harris, Texas, USA
Married: 27 May 1939 • Baytown, Harris, Texas, USA
Sophia Alberta Steirer
BIRTH 21 AUG 1916 • Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
DEATH 10 MAR 1999 • Longview, Cowlitz, Washington, USA
Daughter of Frank Balfour Steirer and
Sophia Theresa Johanna Borgstrom
Jon Steirer Ellis
BIRTH 4 APR 1946 • Harris County,
Texas, USA
DEATH 9 AUG 2018 • Woodland,
Cowlitz, Washington, USA
Married: 6 Sep 1968 • Chambers,
Texas, USA
Charlotte Kay Bounds
BIRTH 9 SEP 1950 • Harris,
Texas, USA
Daughter of Claude Herbert Bounds
and Lillie Marie Adams
Laura Nan Ellis
BIRTH 22 MAR 1918 • Liberty, Liberty,
Texas, USA
DEATH 1 MAY 2005 • Baytown, Harris,
Texas, USA
Married: 27 Mar 1941 • Liberty, Liberty,
Texas, USA
Harry Thomas "Sonny" Carroll
BIRTH 12 AUG 1914 • Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas, USA
DEATH 19 OCT 1990 • Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Son of Harry Potter Carroll and Fay Agatha Coward

LAURA NAN ELLIS CARROLL died May 1, 2005 in Methodist Hospital, Baytown, Texas. She was born March 22, 1918 to Laura Jones Ellis and John Lodge Ellis, at home, in Liberty, Texas. The last of 6 children, she is preceded in death by her husband of 50 years, Harry Thomas (Sonny) Carroll; her 2 sisters, Annie Lee Newton and Dorothy Prevost; her 3 brothers, Frank Ellis, Jay Ellis, and John Ellis. She was a member of St. Stephens Episcopal Church. Laura Nan grew up in Liberty and graduated from Marshall College. She was a kind and gentle southern lady who loved nature and animals. She was also an avid reader and gardener.
While she spent much of her life in Houston raising her family, she and Sonny thoroughly enjoyed returning to Liberty for their retirement years. She is survived by her son, Harry Thomas Carroll, Jr. of Houston; daughter Laura Fay Carroll of Liberty, and many nieces and nephews. Her children are grateful for the kindness and loving care given by Carla LeMelle over the past 10 years. Funeral services will be held at 10 A.M. Tuesday, May 3rd, at St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 2041 Trinity in Liberty, Texas with burial following at the City Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Liberty Animal Shelter, 2114 Sam Houston Ave. Liberty, Texas 77575. Pail Bearers: Jack Carroll, Lee Carroll, Beau Carroll, Stevens McComb, Raymond Neely, Brad Fleming, Charles Stewart and Ben Ellis. Arrangements under the direction of Allison Funeral Service, 1101 North Travis Street, Liberty, Texas 77575, (936) 336-6418.
Published in Houston Chronicle on May 2, 2005

U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865
Name Walter Scott Jones
Enlistment Date 1 Jul 1861
Enlistment Rank Private
Muster Date 1 Jul 1861
Muster Place Texas
Muster Company G
Muster Regiment 4th Infantry
Muster Regiment Type Infantry
Muster Information Enlisted
Side of War Confederacy

Anna F "Annie" Jones
BIRTH 8 JUL 1883 • Jacksonville, Cherokee,
Texas, USA
DEATH 14 AUG 1963 • Houston, Harris,
Texas, USA
Married: 16 Jun 1909 • Liberty, Liberty,
Texas, USA
Arthur Earl Bunn Sr
BIRTH 18 NOV 1881 • Orange County,
Texas, USA
DEATH 9 JUN 1912 • Galveston County,
Texas, USA
Son of James Bunn and Mary Eliza Lewis
Arthur Earl Bunn Jr
BIRTH 2 FEB 1912 • Liberty, Liberty,
Texas, USA
DEATH 29 MAY 1996 • Beaumont,
Jefferson, Texas, USA
Married: 19 Jan 1944 • Liberty,
Liberty, Texas, USA
Harriet Rose "Hattie" Stone
BIRTH 31 OCT 1918 • Jasper, Jasper, Texas, USA
DEATH 25 DEC 2000 • Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas, USA
Daughter of Joel Edwin Stone and Ruby Roberta Powell

Lydia Eugenia Daniel
BIRTH 25 DEC 1847 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 25 NOV 1921 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Married 1st: 1867 • Pará, Bahia, Brazil
William Barr
BIRTH 1825 • Alabama, USA
William was married 1st 2 Feb 1862 • Monroe, Alabama, USA
Nancy Daniel (older sister of Lydia Eugenia Daniel
1. William DeLacey Barr
2. Ada M. Barr
3. James Barr
4. Cornelia A. Barr
Married 2nd:
Rev. Junius Eastham Newman
BIRTH 16 OCT 1819 • Point Pleasant Mason, West Virginia. USA
DEATH 13 MAY 1895 • Robinson, Mason, West Virginia, USA
Junius E. Newman arrived in the port of Rio de Janeiro on August 5, 1867. 3 He was a member of the Alabama Conference, who being dissatisfied with conditions in the south after the Civil War, left along with other southerners to make a new home in Brazil. He did not go to Brazil as a missionary, but rather, in 1865, Bishop William May Wightman released Newman from duties in Mississippi and Alabama and appointed him to work without financial support "in Central America or Brazil."
Newman went to Brazil without his family, arriving with only one hundred dollars in his pocket. At first, he settled in Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro. Apparently, he had wished to begin Methodist church services in his house, and perhaps to open a school, but was not able to do so. 4 After about six months, Newman's family joined him in Brazil, and approximately one year after his family's arrival, Newman relocated to Saltinho (1869), near Limeira in what was the Province of Sao Paulo. This was in an area where many other displaced southerners were settling, near the modern Brazilian city of Americana. There, Newman began to preach to the colonists twice a month, and by October 1869, he had written to the Mobile Conference, deploring his own inability to speak Portuguese well enough to preach in the language and urging the appointment of young missionaries who might become fluent enough in Portuguese to preach to the Brazilians.
By 1871 Newman was devoting much of his time to his ministry among the southern emigrants. In a letter written on April 28, 1871, Newman claimed that "I am now so situated that I can leave home to preach almost as much as I did when I was 'in the regular work. "'6 In that same letter, he requested to "be recognized as a missionary in Brazil," without "compensation as such ... [from] the Conference." And on the third Sunday of August 1871, he organized among the southern colonists the first Methodist church in Brazil.
At first, Newman's church included nine members, but gradually increased to "29 or 30."7 Soon, Newman had set up a circuit of five preaching stations and was preaching among the colonists full time. Newman continued to appeal to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South to send young ministers to help preach to the Brazilians. He also continued to request recognition of his own work among the southerners in Brazil, until, in May 1875, the Board of Missions "recognized the Rev. J. E. Newman, of Saltinho, District of Limeira, Province of San Paulo, as our missionary at that point. "
Newman remained active in his ministry to the colonists until his retirement in 1887 and his return to the United States in 1889. To our knowledge, Newman never fulfilled his ambition of preaching in Portuguese.
Rev. Junius E. Newman, died at his residence in Robinson District Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, after an illness of several months, in the 76th year of his age. He was a minister of ability in the M. E. Church South, and was for many years a Missionary in Brazil. He leaves a wife and seven children and a number of relatives to mourn his death. His funeral will take place today at 2 pm from the residence of his brother, I. V. Newman Esq, and the funeral services will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Simpson, Pastor of the M. E. Church South, in this city.- The Weekly Register, Point Pleasant, West Virginia, 15 May 1895
5. Louis D. Newman
6. Junius Taylor Newman
7. Kathryn S. Newman
Children of William Barr and Lydia Daniel
William DeLacey Barr
BIRTH 24 MAR 1869 • Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
DEATH 3 SEP 1944 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Married: 22 Jan 1918 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Stella Mae Combs
BIRTH 25 SEP 1889 • Elk Garden, Mineral, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 12 JAN 1954 • Alexandria, Virginia, A
Daughter of Theodore Sutton Combs and Dora Mae Crawford
Edna Harvey Barr
BIRTH 16 APR 1920 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 27 OCT 1993 • Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Married: 10 May 1968 • Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Cecil Fosque Hubbert
BIRTH 4 MAY 1906 • Hico, Hamilton Texas, USA
DEATH 6 JUN 1982 • Alexandria County, Virginia, USA
Son of Dr. William Ernest Hubbert and Ella D Church

Ada M Barr
BIRTH 1871 • Brazil
Per the 1920 Census, Ada was listed as a seamstress, living with her ha;f-sister's family (Kathryn McDomie
Death date unknown
James J Barr
BIRTH OCT 1875 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
No further information
Cornelia A Barr
BIRTH 13 SEP 1882 • Brazil
DEATH 25 FEB 1953 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Per Census reports, Cornelia was listed as living with her half-sister's family (Kathryn McDomie)
Children of Rev. Junius E. Newman and Lydia Daniel
Louis D. Newman
BIRTH 14 FEB 1882 • São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 16 FEB 1947 • Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Married: 22 Jan 1918 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Muriel M. Burks
BIRTH 5 JUL 1894 • Wayne County, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 26 DEC 1956 • Los Angeles County, California, USA
Daughter of Creed Crittendon Burks and Mary Elizabeth Thacker

Junius Taylor Newman
BIRTH 9 AUG 1885 • Brazil
DEATH 6 DEC 1939 • Dayton, Montgomery,
Ohio, USA
Loretta May "Lottie" Jarrell
BIRTH 1892 • Quinnemont, Fayette,
West Virginia, USA
Daughter of Griffin "Griff" Jarrell and
Margaret Elisabeth "Lydia" Toney
Loretta married 2nd:
Harry B Boham
BIRTH 1874
DEATH 1956

Kathryn S Newman
BIRTH MAY 1888 • Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 28 SEP 1959 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Married: 1908 • West Virginia, USA
Frank Elmo Mcdonie
BIRTH 4 JUN 1888 • Hinton, Summers, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 2 JAN 1957 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Son of Charles B Mcdonie and Leila "Lee" Finster
Alma Ruth McDomie
BIRTH ABT. 1910 • West Virginia, USA
DEATH 5 MAY 1988
Married: 6 Aug 1931 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Francis Albert Pierpont
BIRTH 16 MAR 1901 • Harrisville, Ritchie, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 15 OCT 1992 • Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA
Son of Albert Morgan Pierpont and Isa M. Martin
Clyde E McDonie
BIRTH 06 OCT 1911 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 1989 • West Virginia, USA
Esther Lilly
BIRTH 2 SEP 1906 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 30 MAR 1996 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Daughter of Floyd Eldridge Lilly and Dorcas Agatha Bias



