William Barr, born in Alabama in 1825, married Nancy Daniel in 1862. She was the daughter of James J. Daniel Sr. and Lydia Davis and was part of the Daniel. Barr, Harrison family group that sailed on the ill-fated "Margaret" out of Mobile, Alabama. After sailing, they became infected with a smallpox outbreak and were put into quarantine at Fort Morgan, near Mobile. The family group lost many members due to the outbreak, including the senior Mr. Daniel and his wife as well as several of the Daniel children. Mr. James J Daniel Sr. died en route to New York where the group had been re-directed and is buried there. His wife, Lydia died on the way south from New York and is buried in the Florida Keys, most likely Key West. William Barr and his wife Nancy Daniel did make it to Brazil. but Nancy died shortly after her arrival. The couple lost both of their two young girls on the trip. William would marry secondly in Brazil (1867), the younger sister of Nancy, Lydia Eunia Daniel, and have five children. The Barr family had originally planned to settle in the Amazon region with the other Hastings party group but relocated to the Santa Barbara area where a more prosperous American colony had developed. He died about 1878. His widow, Lydia would marry secondly to the Rev. Junius Newman.
The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which mentions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama: Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr. Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.
The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed. Page 1
....Mr. William Burr of Alabama came to Brazil in July 1866. He bought one-fourth interest in Sitio, purchased by Messrs. Daniels & Hall, for which he paid $5,000, containing 300 0r 400 acres, almost entirely terra roclus. Mr. Burr has made two crops of cotton and corn; 13 acres of cotton the present year, which were planted very late, and therefore made but 7 bales. He raised sufficient corn for his own use. Mr. Burr's plantation is finely located....No further information yet
William Barr
BIRTH 1825 • Alabama, USA
William was married 1st 2 Feb 1862 • Monroe, Alabama, USA
Nancy Daniel (older sister 2nd wife, Lydia Eugenia Daniel)
Nancy Daniel
BIRTH 1839 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 1866 • Brazil
Daughter of James J. Daniel and Lydia Davis
Elizabeth Newman Barr
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH 1866 • International Waters
Lydia Barr
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH 1866 • International Waters
Married 2nd: 1867 • Pará, Bahia, Brazil
Lydia Eugenia Daniel
BIRTH 25 DEC 1847 • Burnt Corn, Monroe, Alabama, USA
DEATH 25 NOV 1921 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
NOTES (Found online)
Hi Mack:
Might your William Barr have been born in Brazil & been a Jr?I have a William Barr who married 2 of my Daniel sisters (they were great-grand daughters of my Lewis Davis in Monroe Co., AL)The Daniel & Barr families left the states for Brazil in 1866 & returned some time in 1870's and were going to settle in CA - but, Wm Barr died in Marshall, Harrison Co., TX.His wife, Lydia (nee Daniel), was re-married by 1881.So, it could be possible.
There is a strong connection between Barr's and my Daniel family.When James Daniel & wife, Lydia Davis (grand-daug of Lewis Davis) left for Brazil - they sold their plantation amounting to over 6000 acres south of Claiborne & east ofthe Alabama River to Thomas G. Barr.
It seems that Lydia Daniel's husband Wm Barr had a strong acquanitence with a Rev. Junius Newman who was a missionary in Brazil.At the death of Wm Barr, Rev. Newman and Lydia Daniel were married.In researching Junius Newman, I've found that he was from Mason & Cabell Cos in WV.WV borders on Ohio, which is where Thomas Gibson Barr was from.
So, I've said all this to say that I've seen enough to wonder if Junius Newman & Wm Barr were from the same part of WV & that Thomas Gibson Barr was also part of the same group of families.
Hope we can sort this all out some day
Take Care - Ruth in Portland, OR
1. William DeLacey Barr
2. Ada M. Barr
3. James Barr
4. Cornelia A. Barr
Lydia E. Daniel Married 2nd:
Rev. Junius Eastham Newman
BIRTH 16 OCT 1819 • Point Pleasant Mason, West Virginia. USA
DEATH 13 MAY 1895 • Robinson, Mason, West Virginia, USA
Reverend Junius Eastham Newman
Junius E. Newman arrived in the port of Rio de Janeiro on August 5, 1867. 3 He was a member of the Alabama Conference, who being dissatisfied with conditions in the south after the Civil War, left along with other southerners to make a new home in Brazil. He did not go to Brazil as a missionary, but rather, in 1865, Bishop William May Wightman released Newman from duties in Mississippi and Alabama and appointed him to work without financial support "in Central America or Brazil."
Newman went to Brazil without his family, arriving with only one hundred dollars in his pocket. At first, he settled in Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro. Apparently, he had wished to begin Methodist church services in his house, and perhaps to open a school, but was not able to do so. 4 After about six months, Newman's family joined him in Brazil, and approximately one year after his family's arrival, Newman relocated to Saltinho (1869), near Limeira in what was the Province of Sao Paulo. This was in an area where many other displaced southerners were settling, near the modern Brazilian city of Americana. There, Newman began to preach to the colonists twice a month, and by October 1869, he had written to the Mobile Conference, deploring his own inability to speak Portuguese well enough to preach in the language and urging the appointment of young missionaries who might become fluent enough in Portuguese to preach to the Brazilians.
By 1871 Newman was devoting much of his time to his ministry among the southern emigrants. In a letter written April 28, 1871, Newman claimed that "I am now so situated that I can leave home to preach almost as much as I did when I was 'in the regular work. "'6 In that same letter, he requested to "be recognized as a missionary in Brazil," without "compensation as such ... [from] the Conference." And on the third Sunday of August 1871, he organized among the southern colonists the first Methodist church in Brazil.
At first, Newman's church included nine members, but gradually increased to "29 or 30."7 Soon, Newman had set up a circuit of five preaching stations and was preaching among the colonists full time. Newman continued to appeal to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South to send young ministers to help preach to the Brazilians. He also continued to request recognition of his own work among the southerners in Brazil, until, in May 1875, the Board of Missions "recognized the Rev. J. E. Newman, of Saltinho, District of Limeira, Province of San Paulo, as our missionary at that point. "
Newman remained active in his ministry to the colonists until his retirement in 1887 and his return to the United States in 1889. To our knowledge, Newman never fulfilled his ambition of preaching in Portuguese.
Source: http://archives.gcah.org/bitstream/handle/10516/6054/MH-1995-April-Dawsey.pdf?sequence=1
5. Louis D. Newman
6. Junius Taylor Newman
7. Kathryn S. Newman
Children of William Barr and Lydia Daniel
William DeLacey Barr
BIRTH 24 MAR 1869 • Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
DEATH 3 SEP 1944 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Married: 22 Jan 1918 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Stella Mae Combs
BIRTH 25 SEP 1889 • Elk Garden, Mineral, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 12 JAN 1954 • Alexandria, Virginia, A
Daughter of Theodore Sutton Combs and Dora Mae Crawford
Edna Harvey Barr
BIRTH 16 APR 1920 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 27 OCT 1993 • Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Married: 10 May 1968 • Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Cecil Fosque Hubbert
BIRTH 4 MAY 1906 • Hico, Hamilton Texas, USA
DEATH 6 JUN 1982 • Alexandria County, Virginia, USA
Son of Dr. William Ernest Hubbert and Ella D Church
Ada M Barr
BIRTH 1871 • Brazil
Per the 1920 Census, Ada was listed as a seamstress, living with her ha;f-sister's family (Kathryn McDomie
Death date unknown
James J Barr
BIRTH OCT 1875 • Brazil
DEATH Unknown
No further information
Cornelia A Barr
BIRTH 13 SEP 1882 • Brazil
DEATH 25 FEB 1953 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Per Census reports, Cornelia was listed as living with her half-sister's family (Kathryn McDomie)
Children of Rev. Junius E. Newman and Lydia Daniel
Louis D. Newman
BIRTH 14 FEB 1882 • São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 16 FEB 1947 • Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Married: 22 Jan 1918 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
Muriel M. Burks
BIRTH 5 JUL 1894 • Wayne County, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 26 DEC 1956 • Los Angeles County, California, USA
Daughter of Creed Crittendon Burks and Mary Elizabeth Thacker
Junius Taylor Newman
BIRTH 9 AUG 1885 • Brazil
DEATH 6 DEC 1939 • Dayton, Montgomery,
Ohio, USA
Loretta May "Lottie" Jarrell
BIRTH 1892 • Quinnemont, Fayette,
West Virginia, USA
Daughter of Griffin "Griff" Jarrell and
Margaret Elisabeth "Lydia" Toney
Loretta married 2nd:
Harry B Boham
BIRTH 1874
DEATH 1956
Kathryn S Newman
BIRTH MAY 1888 • Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 28 SEP 1959 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Married: 1908 • West Virginia, USA
Frank Elmo Mcdonie
BIRTH 4 JUN 1888 • Hinton, Summers, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 2 JAN 1957 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Son of Charles B Mcdonie and Leila "Lee" Finster
Alma Ruth McDomie
BIRTH ABT. 1910 • West Virginia, USA
DEATH 5 MAY 1988
Married: 6 Aug 1931 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Francis Albert Pierpont
BIRTH 16 MAR 1901 • Harrisville, Ritchie, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 15 OCT 1992 • Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA
Son of Albert Morgan Pierpont and Isa M. Martin
Clyde E McDonie
BIRTH 06 OCT 1911 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 1989 • West Virginia, USA
Esther Lilly
BIRTH 2 SEP 1906 • Cabell County, West Virginia, USA
DEATH 30 MAR 1996 • Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA
Daughter of Floyd Eldridge Lilly and Dorcas Agatha Bias