Rev. John Boyle
First Presbyterian missionary in the Triângulo Mineiro and Goiás John Boyle was born on March 1, 1845, in Spencer County, in the north of Kentucky. He was the son of William Boyle and Esther Glass Boyle. He studied at the Center Kentucky and worked as a teacher, then joined the Theological Seminary Union (1870) in Richmond, Virginia. It was ordered by the Transylvania Presbytery, in his home state, on June 6, 1872. He and his wife Agnes Woodson Morton Boyle, a native of Farmville (Virginia), left New York on March 23, 1873, and
arrived in Recife on April 15, exactly three months after the arrival of Rev. John Rockwell Smith. They were sent to Brazil by the Missions Committee of Nashville, the Presbyterian of the South (CPSU), who had appointed them as missionaries in 1871. Due to difficulties, they moved in April 1875 to Campinas, where Boyle assisted Rev. Edward Lane in evangelistic and educational work. He headed the girls' college attached to the International College. It was inscribed by the old Presbytery of São Paulo, affiliated to the CPSU, in 1877, the last year of that council's existence.
At the beginning of 1879, Boyle settled in Mogi-Mirim, from where he evangelized the region bordering Minas Gerais. In that city was a believer called Jacob Filipe Wingerther, who was a dedicated colporteur and evangelist of the Mission of Nashville. On August 22 of the same year, accompanied by Wingerther, Boyle first time in Cape Verde, Minas Gerais, preaching to about 60 people in the room of Freemasonry, at the invitation of the farmer Antonio de Padua Dias, who had been reading the Bible some time ago. The local church would be organized by Rev. Miguel Torres, on the site of Padua Days, May 22, 1881. Another city Boyle visited was Cajuru, where the only person to welcome him was the local Masonic chief, Miguel Rizzo, who came to convert with his family. His son of the same name was the illustrious pastor of the United Church of São Paulo and the
"Prince of the Presbyterian pulpit". In his missionary work, Wingerther had long trips to the Minas Gerais Triangle, bringing Boyle information about the evangelistic opportunities in that vast region. In 1881 and 1882, Boyle made his first reconnaissance trips in Central Brazil, arriving in Uberaba.
The following year, Wingerther went to Paracatu and again brought an enthusiastic report on the receptivity of the people. By mid-1884, the two workers visited, among other places, Araguari, Bagagem, Paracatu, Santa Luzia de Goiás, and Formosa. Among Araguari's first converts were Querubino dos Santos and couple Tertuliano and Maria Otília Goulart, parents of the future Rev. Jorge Thompson Goulart. The Tertullian and Cherubine cousins ​​had been influenced by the reading of the Bible and an exemplary of the Evangelical Press, by which they learned that an American missionary, John Boyle, offered to explain the gospel to anyone who sought it. They wrote for Boyle in Mogi-Mirim. This was the Baggage from which the letter had been sent, but the young men had transferred residence to Araguari. In Baggage, Boyle found a blacksmith who had converted by reading the Bible and was ready to profess the faith, though had never heard of evangelical churches.
Following to Araguari, he found the two young men, receiving them by profession of faith, along with several relatives, on Sunday day July 13, 1884. These were the first Presbyterian believers of the entire Triangle Miner. The return trip from Luziânia to Mogi-Mirim lasted four weeks and two days of the incessant cavalcade. In 1885, Boyle went to the United States on vacation (residing in Danville, Kentucky) and was granted permission to move to the interior of Brazil. He returned the following year, bringing with him a new missionary, Rev. George Wood Thompson. From August to October of the same year (1886), the two ministers visited the places where Boyle had preached in 1884 and concluded that Baggage, a city of gold miners, in which Tertullian and Cherubin were residing again, it must be the new base of operations. On 14 December April 1887, Boyle participated in the creation of the Presbytery of Campinas and West of Minas, the successor of the old Presbytery of São Paulo, extinct ten years earlier. In July, the family Boyle and Rev. Thompson moved to Bagagem, now called Estrela do Sul (due to the famous diamond with that name found there), in the north of the Triângulo Mineiro. The change was a true epic, narrated in detail in an account sent to The Missionary newspaper. As a result, the Mission of the Interior of the Brazil.
The following year (1888), Boyle returned to visit the field of Goiás, making a trip of more than 1500 km. Crossing the rivers Paranaíba and San Marcos, preached in Catalão, Caldas
Novas, Morrinhos, Santa Luzia, Formosa, Jaraguá, Entre Rios, and Curralinhos, arriving at the old capital of the province, Goiás Velho. In a letter sent to the mission journal, he expressed the desire to evangelize the Tocantins Valley and reach the Amazon. In the same year, he participated in the creation of the Presbyterian Synod, was elected vice-moderator, and became part of the new Presbytery of Mines. In January 1889, Boyle launched the appreciated newspaper The Evangelist, later revived in Araguari by his disciple Querubino dos Santos and Descalvado by Rev. Alva Hardie. In his "Letters to the Bishop" of Goiás, "published in that period after 1891, responded to the accusations contained in the antiprotestant pamphlet "The Neophyte", published in Recife in 1879. While Boyle was traveling in Goias, Thompson, and Hugh C. Tucker, the Secretary of Society
From Paracatu to the São Francisco River, descended the coast and arrived in Pernambuco. Thompson returned to the Minas Gerais Triangle when he that yellow fever had hit some colleagues in Campinas. He went to help them, it was over. contracting the disease and dying.
At the end of 1889, he arrived in Brazil to replace Rev. Frank A. Cowan, and the following year he and Boyle made the circuit of Goiás again. In 1891, Mrs. Boyle went to the United States with three children who needed to study, leaving Boyle and the Cowan couple in Baggage. On September 1 of that year, Boyle preached at the ordination ceremony of the graduates João Vieira Bizarro, Herculano Ernesto de Gouvêa, and Bento Ferraz, in Mogi-Mirim, in the company of Revs. Edward Lane and Miguel Torres. Among others, Boyle referred to Christian life and studies to the youth ministry, Delfino dos Anjos Teixeira and Álvaro E. Gonçalves dos Reis, and received the latter by profession of faith in 1882, in Mogi-Mirim.
Boyle wasted no time. On one of his trips, he went through about 40 cities and towns and just did not preach in two of them due to lack of place. Until 1890, when the Catholic Church left of being the official religion, the evangelical manifestations in the open air were forbidden. On your evangelistic trips, Boyle distributed Bibles and New Testaments, one of which was late it was left in the hands of Mr. Davi de Melo. Already disappointed with the dissolute life of the one priest of the region, David read the Bible on Sundays with a Protestant neighbor. Eventually, he, his wife Maria Isabel, and the three daughters were received by profession of faith
Rev. Charles R. Morton. Sometime later, his brother Manoel de Melo and his wife, newlyweds, also professed their faith with Rev. Morton. They were the parents of Maria de Melo Chaves, author of the book Bandeirantes da Fé. Over time, all the others brothers Melo were converted.
In mid-1892, with the end of the Evangelical Press , Boyle was invited to transfer to São Paulo and restart the publication of this pioneering periodical. However, chose to continue to evangelize in the interior, his true vocation ("my heart is in the wilderness, and in the wilderness shall I be "). He and Rev. Samuel Gammon went to Rio de Janeiro to receive Dr. Matthew Hale Houston (1841-1905), secretary of the Nashville from 1883 to 1893. Boyle also awaited the arrival of his wife Agnes, who after all did not come. They went to Lavras to study the possibility of changing the College For the city of Minas Gerais. At the beginning of September, the three workers participated in the meeting of the Presbytery of Mines in Cape Verde, where Boyle had first preached thirteen years earlier. Back in Baggage, the last leg of Boyle's voyage was a ride of twenty-four hours, arriving home on September 10. Friends noticed that their health was altered. His activity was feverish: in the newspaper, at the farm, and at the Colegio Progresso Brazilian, he had founded.
The preparation of articles for publication in a book and a fire on his property required effort from him and his friends until the evening, they took him to bed. In his last days, he was afflicted with dyspnea and edema. Pray for them and work, and sang hymns, sometimes in Portuguese ("In the Sunday Jesus rested, " Evangelical Hymn No. 69), sometimes in English (" The Lord, how many, many are my enemies. He suddenly passed away in October 4, 1892, victim of a heart attack, only 47 years old. Your The tomb of simple appearance has the words of Revelation 14:13: "Blessed are the dead who die from the Lord. " In that same distressing year for Brazilian presbyterianism, the Revs had already passed away. Edward Lane and Miguel Gonçalves Torres. By the middle of the following year, Revs. Álvaro Reis and Caetano Nogueira Júnior formally organized the four churches founded by Boyle in Central Brazil: Luggage, Paracatu, Santa Luzia de Goiás, and Araguari. Today they can still be seen in Estrela do Sul, next to the river that cuts the small town, the ruins of the old house where the family lived Boyle.
In addition to publishing The Evangelist , in which he revealed his flair as a polemicist, Boyle left sermons in The Evangelical Pulpit and wrote the pamphlet India and Christianity . also made an important contribution to evangelical hymnology. Produced the hymnal Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs, with 604 hymns and several doxologies, which cost him thirteen years of selfless endeavors. Thirty-seven of the hymns are his own, among which are "Homeland my, for you I sigh, " By faith we see beyond "and" Tribute, you redeemed. " The hymnal was published in 1888 by the Laemmert Typography, in Rio de Janeiro. It was proposed to be followed by the same collection with songs but died before performing this attempt.
Nineteen of his productions figured in the early editions of Psalms and Hymns. The Hinário Presbyterian New Song has two of his hymns, "My soul is stained" (no. 72) and "On the cloud, shining" (no. 295). D. Agnes died on March 23, 1902, in Fredericksburg, Va., Where he was director of a school and shelter for missionary orphans. His five children were Gaston, Margaret Esther, Mary Venable, Woodson Morton, and Lewis Holladay. Gaston Boyle, born in Mogi-Mirim on October 31, 1882, was also a missionary in Brazil, arriving in Campinas in 1908 to relearn the language. He married in 1909 with Sarah Warfield Smith, daughter of pioneer John Rockwell Smith. He initially worked in Bragança (1909-1918), from where it penetrated deep through the mountainous region of Cambui. As his father fought many polemics with the priests through newspapers and pamphlets. Then, worked for several years in the difficult field of Itu, a Jesuit fortress, in which many points of preaching. Gaston returned to the homeland of his parents in 1933, many years later, on April 9, 1965.
His eldest son, John Boyle (the same name as his grandfather), later came to serve the Mission Leste (1938-1974). He arrived as a lay worker, initially residing in Lavras. Got married in 1942 to the missionary May Shepard Schlich, studied at the Seminary of Campinas, and was ordered in 1950. The couple worked in Paraguaçu Paulista, Formiga, Bambuí, Sete Lagoas, and Ponta Porã. When they retired, they went to live in Ubatuba, on the coast of São Paulo.
His brother Lewis Venable Boyle, born in Itu on December 31, 1923, was pastor of various churches in the United States.
• Lessa, Annaes , 113, 300, 338, 419-22, 641.
• Ferreira, History of IPB , I: 158, 167, 192, 247, 248-54, 280, 285, 322s, 329, 334, 367s,
376-78, 488, 502-508; II: 132, 315, 367.
• Book of Acts of the Church of Cape Verde (1881-1904), Presbyterian Archive.
• Necrology of the Rev. John Boyle, The Evangelist (05-10-1892).
• A General Catalog of Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1807-1924 .
• James Porter Smith. An Open Door in Brazil: being a brief survey of the mission work
carried on in Brazil since 1869 by the Presbyterian Church in the United States.
Richmond: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1925.
• Chaves, Bandeirantes da Fé , 22-28.
• Bear, Mission to Brazil , 15, 17-22, 138, 154-58.
• Braga, Evangelical Sacred Music , 326.
• McIntire, Portrait , 7/35, 70-76.
• Ministerial Directory, PCUS (1861-1967) , 59.
• "Personalia", Ultimatum (August 1976), 7.
• Ribeiro, IPB: From Autonomy to Schism , 74-118.
• Hahn, Protestant Cult in Brazil , 254s, 265-268.
• Waldete Tilmann Ribeiro da Silva and Jonas Alves da Silva, Presbyterian Church of
Araguari: A Trajectory of One Hundred Years (1893-1993). Araguari, 1993.
• Wilson Castro Ferreira. Small History of the West Brazil Mission. Sponsorship:
CEIBEL, 1996.
Rev. John H. Boyle
BIRTH 1 MAR 1845 • Spencer County, Kentucky, USA
DEATH OCT 04, 1892 • Minas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Married: 15 May 1872 • Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia, USA
Agnes Woodson Morton
BIRTH JUL 24, 1846 • Buffalo, Prince Edward, Virginia, USA
DEATH MAR 23, 1902 • Fredricksburg, Virginia, USA
Daughter of Jacob Woodson Morton and Mary Jane Venable
Margaret Esther Boyle
BIRTH 20 JUL 1875 • Campinas, Sao Paolo, Brazil
DEATH 22 OCT 1962 • Mathews, Mathews, Virginia, USA
Married: 19 Apr 1902 • Albemarle County, Virginia, USA
Dr. Harry Lewis Baptist
BIRTH 9 JAN 1874 • Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 28 NOV 1964 • Newport News, Virginia, USA
Son of Edward Glanville Baptist and Sarah Ann Duerson
Maude Glanville Baptist
BIRTH 17 OCT 1907 • Virginia, USA
DEATH 23 FEB 1988 • Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, USA
Married: 27 May 1930 • Virginia, USA
Dr. Francis Arthur Snidow
BIRTH 22 SEP 1905 • Pembroke, Giles, Virginia, USA
DEATH 30 MAY 1978 • El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA
Son of Floyd Eaton Snidow and Annie Kate Sibold
Martha Ann Snidow
BIRTH 2 MAY 1939 • El Paso, Texas, USA
Mr. Swedlund
George Snidow
BIRTH 28 JUL 1944
Woodson Boyle Baptist
BIRTH 5 FEB 1909 • Ivy, Albemarle, Virginia, USA
DEATH 21 APR 1989 • Deland, Volusia, Florida, USA
Married 1st: 24 May 1937 • Richmond, Appomattox, Virginia, USA
Esther Elizabeth Farris
BIRTH 6 MAY 1917 • Lynchburg, Campbell Virginia, USA
DEATH 7 FEB 1961 • Richmond, Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Daughter of Henry Hudnall Farris and Martha Washington Smith
Married 2nd:
Mildred Solomon
BIRTH ABT 1912 • Lawrenceville, Brunswick, Virginia, USA
DEATH 7 OCT 2004 • Deland, Volusia, Florida, USA
Daughter of Salem Marion Solomon and Mary Caroline Jeffries
Margaret “Marmee” Esther Baptist
BIRTH 21 DEC 1912 • Albemarle County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 15 APR 2009 • Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
Married: 11 Sep 1943 • Falls Church, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Walter Lee Lears
BIRTH 1 AUG 1897 • Newport News, Virginia, USA
DEATH 28 AUG 1978 • Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Son of Charles Henry Lears and Anne Theresa Bleem
Sarah Eggleston Baptist
BIRTH 30 OCT 1916 • Albemarle County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 17 NOV 1990 • Rockingham County, Virginia, USA
Woodson Morton Boyle
BIRTH 2 NOV 1880 • Mogy Mirim, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 9 SEP 1943 • Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Married: May 19, 1917 • Hannibal, Marion, Missouri, USA
Rose Margaret Settles
BIRTH 14 JUN 1898 • Hannibal, Marion, Missouri, USA
DEATH 1 APR 1956 • Virginia, USA
Daughter of Emmett Vincent Settles and Odelia Trapp
Frederick Edward Michal Boyle
BIRTH 25 MAR 1919 • Butte, Silver Bow, Montana, USA
DEATH 27 FEB 1993 • Big Pine Key, Monroe, Florida, USA
Married: 6 Sep 1945 • Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Divorced: 9 Feb 1949 • Orion, Virginia, USA
Myrtle Marie Dees
BIRTH 26 FEB 1923 • Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Daughter of Robert Potter Dees and Belva Stives
Rev. Gaston Boyle Sr.
BIRTH 31 OCT 1882 • Mogy Miriam, Paule, Brazil
DEATH 9 APR 1965 • High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, USA
Married: 10 Aug 1909
Sarah Warfield Smith
BIRTH 18 NOV 1887 • Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
DEATH 12 SEP 1961 • Danbury, Stokes, North Carolina, USA
Daughter of Rev. John Rockwell Smith and Susan Caroline "Carrie" Porter
Gaston Boyle, born in Mogi-Mirim on October 31, 1882, was also a missionary in Brazil, arriving in Campinas in 1908 to relearn the language. He married in 1909 with Sarah Warfield Smith, daughter of pioneer John Rockwell Smith. He initially worked in Bragança (1909-1918), from where it penetrated deep through the mountainous region of Cambui. His father fought many polemics with the priests through newspapers and pamphlets. Then, he worked for several years in the difficult field of Itu, a Jesuit fortress, in which there were many differing points of preaching. Gaston returned to the homeland of his parents in 1933, many years later dying on April 9, 1965.
John Boyle
BIRTH 2 MAY 1910 • Braganca, San Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 17 JUN 1997 • Louisville, Jefferson, Ken-
tucky, USA
Married: 19 Feb 1942 • Lavras, Mato Grosso, Brazil
May Shepard Schlich
BIRTH 6 APR 1909 • Sheffield, Colbert, Alabama,
DEATH 10 JUL 2007 • Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky,
Daughter of Carl Linck Schlich and Frances May Shepard
Rockwell Smith Boyle
BIRTH 30 OCT 1912 • Braganza, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 20 SEP 1974 • Hatteras, Dare, North Carolina, USA
Married: Jul 10, 1933 • Durham, North Carolina, USA
Mary Venable Cralle
BIRTH DEC 01, 1911 • Prince Edward, Virginia, USA
DEATH JUN 12, 1992 • Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina, USA
Daughter of Alexander Edwin Cralle Sr and Frances "Fannie" Byrd Fitzgerald
Rockwell Smith Boyle Jr
BIRTH 4 JUL 1938 • Prince Edward County.,
Virginia, USA
DEATH 23 MAR 2021 • Durham, Durham,
North Carolina, USA
Married: 3 Apr 1975
Ann Belue Crowell
BIRTH 6 OCT 1942 • Stanly County, North
Carolina, USA
DEATH 21 APR 2009 • Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA
Daughter of Alton Walter Crowell and Helen Amyrillis Ingram
Son of Rockwell and Mary Boyle.
--Graduate of Washington & Lee University.
--Occupation: He had a long career with IBM.
--Rock married Ann Crowell in Raleigh on April 3, 1975. They were parents of children Julie and Walter Boyle.
--Rock and Ann had been members of Quail Hollow Presbyterian Church and then Sharon Presbyterian Church.
--He was a Master Mason.
Daughter of Alton Walter Crowell and wife Helen Amyrillis Ingram and sister of Ellen Crowell Tedder and Jincy Crowell Tuttle.
Wife of Rockwell Smith Boyle, Jr, and mother to Julie Boyle Isbell and Walter Rockwell Boyle.
Ann grew up in Stanly County, NC, and graduated from Richfield High School in Stanly County. After graduation from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, she taught at Curry High School in Greensboro, NC, and later at Broughton High School in Raleigh, NC. Ann met her husband Rock Boyle in Raleigh and after their marriage, they moved to Charlotte when he had a job transfer within IBM. She was a full-time mom until her children were grown but later did some substitute teaching in the Charlotte area.
Ann died from cancer and spent her last couple of years undergoing treatment for this terrible disease, but was fortunate to spend that time in the home that she and her husband had purchased when they first moved to Charlotte and where their two children had grown up. She died there with her daughter and her two sisters by her side.
Ann's body was cremated and the ashes interred at this cemetery.
William Bird Boyle
Married: 4 Aug 1990 • Montgomery County, Texas, USA
Aura Marina Mendez Caal
Gaston Boyle Jr
BIRTH 28 OCT 1917 • Braganca, San Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 29 MAY 1988 • Statesville, Iredell, North Carolina, USA
Married: 22 May 1946 • Augusta, Virginia, USA
Mary Virginia Stegall
BIRTH 24 MAR 1922 • Congo, Democratic Republic of
DEATH 29 JAN 2013 • Black Mountain, Buncombe, North Carolina,
Daughter of Carroll Richard Stegall and Sarah Estelle Valdes
Gaston was born in Brazil, as were his parents. His father served as
a Presbyterian missionary there for many years. Gaston Boyles Jr.
and his family lived in Richmond Virginia when he enlisted In the
U.S. Army, on 17 March 1941. He remained in Army until late January
of 1946. He married May 1946 to Mary Virginia Stegall, a daughter of Presbyterian missionaries (Congo). They served in the Presbyterian ministry.
Mrs. Mary Virginia Stegall Boyle, 90, formerly of Statesville, NC, and more recently of Black Mountain, NC passed away on January 29, 2013, in Black Mountain. She was born in Luebo, Belgian Congo March 24, 1922, where her parents, the Reverend Carroll R. Stegall and Sarah V. Stegall, were Presbyterian missionaries. After growing up in the Congo she graduated from Flora McDonald College in Sanford, North Carolina, and the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia, as a Director of Christian Education. She married the Reverend Gaston Boyle, Jr., in Steele's Tavern, Virginia, in 1946. They served pastorates in South Carolina, West Virginia, and North Carolina, retiring in Statesville, where Mr. Boyle died in 1988. In 1998, Mrs. Boyle moved to the Highland Farms Retirement Community in Black Mountain. She was a member of the Christ Community Church, formerly Montreat Presbyterian Church.
In addition to her parents, Mrs. Boyle was preceded in death by her sister, Sarah S. Norwood, and her brother, Carroll R. Stegall, Jr. She is survived by three daughters, Kathy B. Hoover (Johnny) of Statesville, Judith B. Wright of Los Angeles, Ca., and Susan B. Holovaty (Orest) of South Bend, Ind. Also, surviving are six grandchildren, Sally H. Remick (Devin) of Nantucket, Mass., Amy H. Mounts of Statesville, Laura R. Hoover of Charlotte, Anna H. Mennerick (Tom) of St. Louis, Mo., Nicholas G. Holovaty of Evansville, Ind., and Mary Claire Holovaty of Minneapolis, Minn. Six great-grandchildren of whom she was very proud are Cassie and Katie Mounts of Statesville, Lily and Jackson Remick of Nantucket, Mass. and Charles and William Mennerick of St. Louis, Mo. She is also survived by devoted and loved family friend Susan Schrieber of Los Angeles, CA., sister-in-law Ella Banks Boyle of Black Mountain, and several nieces and nephews.
Memorial services will be held at Christ Community Church, in Montreat on Friday, February 1, 2013, at 11:00 am with the Reverend Richard White. The family will receive friends following the memorial service at the church. Graveside services will be held in Statesville at Oakwood Cemetery on Saturday, February 2, 2013, at 2:00 pm with the Reverend Scott Jefferies of Forest Park Presbyterian Church and the Reverend Grant Sharp attending.
In 1966, the family moved to Decatur, Georgia, and Ella Banks began a twenty-year career as a social worker coordinating volunteer services and adoptions for DeKalb County. She and Bill moved to Black Mountain in 2003, where she lived a life of active love for those around her, patiently demon-strating and vocalizing her principles of faith and service. Ella Banks believed wholeheartedly in the forward progress of civilization driven by constant urging to go beyond the daily struggle for our own needs. She was a tireless proponent of democracy, fairness, and giving, built on the belief that God is Love for all.
William Porter Boyle
BIRTH 29 APR 1920 • Yturria, Brazil
DEATH 14 DEC 2007 • Black Mountain, Buncombe,
North Carolina, USA
Married: 1940 • Davidson, North Carolina, USA
Ella Banks Weathers
BIRTH 10 NOV 1922 • Bullock Creek, York County,
South Carolina, USA
DEATH 7 JUL 2013 • Black Mountain, Buncombe County, North Carolina, USA
Daughter of John Walton Weathers and Annie Luziar Banks
William Porter Boyle was born in Brazil to missionary parents on April 29, 1920, and came to the U.S. when he was five years old. He died in Asheville on Dec. 14, 2007. He grew up in Virginia and graduated from Davidson College, where he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and from Union Theological Seminary (Presbyterian) in Richmond, Va. After a four-year pastorate in Ashe County, N.C., he went to Japan with his family to serve as a missionary. Upon returning to the U.S., he became a pastoral counselor and a supervisor in clinical pastoral education. He was a diplomat in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. After retirement in 1993, he served as a parish associate at North Decatur Presbyterian Church, which he called his “heart’s home church.” Loving the mountains, he and his wife moved to Black Mountain, N.C., where he happily spent his last four years. Bill was a man of integrity, had a subtle and caring sense of humor and a dry wit until the day he died, and was kind and considerate of everyone. He found the greatest joy in his family. He was survived by his devoted wife, Ella Banks Weathers Boyle, and their four sons, William, Jr. ’68 (Linda), Jack (Susan), David (Ruth), and Don, and their children
Ella Banks Weathers Boyle was born into the world in Bullock Creek, SC on November 10, 1922, and passed away suddenly but peacefully in her sleep at home in Black Mountain, NC on July 7, 2013, where she had lived in a vibrant community of many close friends. Ella Banks was a warm and major presence in the lives of everyone who knew her. She was an exuberant 17-year-old at heart until her last day. Her many friends and the extended family relied on Ella Banks' radiant cheer, her tireless love, her sprightly sense of humor, her sharp mind, and her wisdom, discernment, and insights.
Ella Banks had a passionate, lifelong love affair with William Porter Boyle whom she married at the age of 21, losing him to cancer on December 14, 2007. Ella Banks and Bill moved to West Jefferson, NC where Bill was appointed to his first church. Then in 1949, they checked into a stateroom on a freighter bound for the mission field in Japan with Bill Jr., age 3, and Jack, age 1-1/2. Two more sons, David and Don, were born in Japan. Ella dedicated her life to caring for her family and community in Tokushima, Japan where she home-schooled her four boys. Thanks to Ella Banks' vivacity, curiosity, and mutual affection with everyone they knew, her family has always remembered the years in Japan as a truly magical time.
Lewis Venable Boyle
BIRTH 31 DEC 1923 • Ytu, Sao Paulo, Brazil
DEATH 14 DEC 2005 • Bridgewater, Rock-
ingham, Virginia, USA
Married: 4 Jun 1947
Mary Alice Brand
BIRTH 16 JAN 1924 • Charlottesville,
Albemarle, Virginia, USA
DEATH 12 MAR 2006 • Mount Crawford, Rockingham, Virginia, USA
Daughter of Louis Christian Brand and Alberta Mary Dudley
The Rev. Lewis Venable Boyle, 81, of Bridgewater, died Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005, at the Bridge-water Nursing Home.
Rev. Boyle was born on Dec. 31, 1923, in Ytu, Brazil, and was the son of missionaries, Rev. Gaston and Vovo Boyle.
He grew up in Steele's Tavern, served in World War II, and later graduated from Washington and Lee and Union Theological Seminary in Richmond. He pastored churches in Falls View and Huntington, W.Va., as well as in Newport News and Lexington and Willow Springs, and Oak Island, N.C.
On June 4, 1947, he married Alice Brand Boyle; she survives. Also, surviving are two sons, Stephen of Pleasant Valley and Larry of Mechanicsburg, Pa.; a brother, Bill Boyle, a retired missionary to Japan, and four grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2005, at the Lantz Chapel at the Bridgewater Retirement Community. At his request, his body is being donated to science.
Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, VA) - Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Mary Alice Boyle, 82, of Bridgewater, died Sunday, March 12, 2006, at Bridgewater Nursing Home.
Mrs. Boyle was born Jan. 16, 1924, in Charlottesville, and was the daughter of missionaries, Dr. Louis Christian Brand and the former Mary Alberta Dudley of Staunton.
She graduated from Lee High School in 1941 and Mary Baldwin College in 1945. During the summers, she worked at Massanetta Springs Conference Center outside Harrisonburg.
On June 4, 1947, she married Lewis V. Boyle, who became a Presbyterian minister.
Survivors include two sons, Stephen Boyle of Pleasant Valley and Larry Boyle of Mechanicsburg, Pa.; a sister, Martha Lovette; and four grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, March 25, in the Lantz Chapel at Bridgewater Retirement Community.
According to her wishes, her body is being donated to science.
Lewis Holladay Boyle
BIRTH 6 MAR 1886 • Prince Edward, Virginia, USA
DEATH 24 MAR 1974 • Calipatria, Imperial, California, USA
Edward Lewis Baptist
BIRTH 4 MAR 1903
DEATH 4 JUN 1903
Died Young