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F - G











































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Known as "Old Fahay" he was the gardener for the John W. Keyes family and lived with the family.  He was a Civil War veteran and suffered wounds.  He died at Estade, near Linhares, Brazil on Lake Juparan.  He died of fever complicated by his war wounds in 1868.   No apparent family.                               
Rio Doce Colony - Sailing to Brazil on the "Marmion" from New Orleans.
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Dr. Jonathan Cogswell

Resided at the Rio Doce  Colony on Lake Juparan.  Had several children born in Brazil.  Returned to the USA and died in Amrtillo, Texas                      No further information yet


Andrew Jackson,

Thomas Jefferson,

Emily "Emma"

The name Feagin is found to be spelled in various ways.  Fagin, Fagan, Fagans.


Richardson "Richard Feagin lived in Covington County, Alabama, and was married to Mary Anne (Uncertain).  They would have at least eight children, three boys, and five girls.  The sons would all be named after presidents:  Andrew Jackson, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson Feagin.  Of the eight children, at least three would make the move to Brazil, sailing on the "Margaret", in July 1867, as part of Lansford W. Hasting's attempt to form a colony at Santarem, Brazil.  They were part of the approximately 34 passengers who set sail from Mobile.  Those that made the move were:  Andrew J Feagin, Thomas J. Feagin, and their sister, Emily "Emma" Feagin Piec-howski.  The boys were unmarried.  Emma had married in 1863 to Louis Piechowski in Mobile and they had one daughter in 1865 "Annie that made the move.


The father, Richard, would die young at the age of 36 in 1851, leaving a young widow with eight small children.  Mary Anne, the widow, would marry secondly in 1858, Andrew J. Coward, a widower - his first wife dying in  1855.  Andrew brought into this marriage five young children.


The Piechowski family was back in the United States shortly after 1875 and it is assumed that the two Feagin brothers came back about the same time.  We know that Thomas died in 1924 in Alabama.  It is not clear where or when Andrew Died.


See Feagin family page     




Pleasant M. Fenley and his wife Sarah A. Blair Fenley came to Brazil bringing the children Charles Columbus (born 1859), P. P.A. Fenley “Pulaski” (born 1847), Hulda V. (born 1851), Sarah L. (born 1849), and Elisabeth B. (born 1849). They were married, respectively, to Eugenia Minchin, Mary Virginia Carlton, John Rowe, John Rowe (for this, second marriage), and John Carlton. All of these have their burials at the Cemiterio do Campo, in Santa Barbara, SP. They were natives of Edgefield, South Carolina, in the USA, but, at the time of coming to Brazil, they were residing in Mariana, Jackson County, Florida, having moved there after the 1850 census probably in 1851 as that is where and when daughter Hulda was born. They were a family of Baptists.


Pleasant M. Fenley passed away in Santa Barbara,  SP, on December 3, 1885, at the age of 70. At that time he was a pastor of PIB / SB, missionary Edwin H. So per • . The inscription in the title of Pleasant M. Fenley's title reveals that he was a member of a Baptist church for years and had died firmly in faith. On the gravestone, the Masonic sign is seen, thus designating his affiliation to the Masonic Order.


From the inscription of Sarah A., wife of PM Fenley, we have that she was the daughter of CC and SA Blair, born on August 19, 1819, and died on 2 January 29, 1879, also in Santa Barbara, being a member of a Baptist church. for 45 years.


See Fenley family page


Green Ferguson was the son of  Henry Ferguson and Sarah Rives and resided in Chester County, South Carolina, USA.  He was a farmer and on occasion a bounty hunter.  He was married to Minerva Elizabeth Rowell on January 12, 1848, in Chester County.  She was the daughter of Jeremiah and Mary" Polly" Charlotte Sills Rowell. 


They look to have had twelve children, the first eight being born in South Carolina, with only four surviving to make the trip to Brazil where the last four children were born.  Green was a private during the Civil War.  After the war, Green and Minerva and their two surviving children decided to make the move to Brazil.  They sailed aboard the "Tartar" from New Orleans for Brazil in April of 1868 along with the families of Henry Farrar Steagall and James Miller.  It is also most likely that the Fergusons were well acquainted with other Chester county families such as the McFaddens and Gastons.



Name Green Ferguson

Enlistment Date1 Aug 1863

Enlistment Rank Private

Muster Date1 Aug 1863

Muster PlaceSouth Carolina

Muster Company L

Muster Regiment 5th State Line Infantry

Muster Regiment Type Infantry

Muster Information Enlisted

Side of War Confederacy

TitleIndex to Compiled Confederate Military Service Records


See Ferguson family page.

Cortez Fielder

Two brothers, Cortez and Zeno Fielder from Navarro County, looked upon the Brazilian emigration as a once-in-a-lifetime venture.  Both in their early twenties, they joined the colony early in the planning stages.  Several other families, including the Wrights, the Weavers, and the McKnights, were seriously considering Brazilian plans by the end of August 1866.  McMullan estimated that as many as thirty families, as well as a number of single men, were planning to go with him as colonists.


After having settled in Brazil


The Fielder brothers, not content to live on the land that they had first picked on the Guanhanha, spent a considerable amount of time exploring the scores of tributaries and rivulets that were found at every turn.  "With foolhardy courage (they) went poling up the rivers, each on his own resources, hoping to find the long-promised land."  Zeno Fielder was unhappy with his situation and longed for home.  He wrote to his father in Navarro County, Texas, in December 1867, and outlined the disadvantages of living in Brazil.  He said that the colonists were "nearing starvation" and asked his father for $250.00 to come home.  He noted in his appeal that Brazil was "not a white man's country."  Unlike his brother, however, Cortez Fielder was pleased with the situation.  He married Confederado A. J. Green's daughter Sarah, built a comfortable home, and began clearing land for a farm.  On Sundays when rain threatened Parson Quillin's services, the Fielder couple offered their home as a church sanctuary.


See Fielder family page.



Dr. H. S.

Immigrated from Missouri, USA, and settled in the Paranagua colony.  

From Eugene Harter, page 65,  we have:
“To their credit, Dr. Blue and Isaac Young learned to speak Portuguese within three years.  Others did equally well in beautiful Portuguese.  James K. Miller owned a barrel-making enterprise.  Dr. M. S. Fife, Isaac Young, and W. P Budd organized the Parana Manufacturing Company, which was immediately successful.  The several hundred members of the Parana Colony were difficult to trace since most of the members lived far apart from each other.  Some returned to the United States, others blended with other ethnic groups in the area, most notably the Germans, and are almost lost from sight.

See Fife family page


Rev. James Cooley













James Cooley Fletcher (1823–1901) was a Presbyterian minister and missionary with strong activities in Brazilian lands


Fletcher was born in Indianapolis, the son of Calvin Fletcher, a banker and one of the first settlers of Indiana. James Cooley Fletcher graduated from Brown University in 1846 and studied theology for two years at the Princeton Theological Seminary under Charles Hodge. His studies were completed in Europe, as he sought to improve his French in order to become a missionary in Haiti. In that period, he married a daughter of César Malan, a minister from Geneva.


He went back to the USA in 1850 when his daughter Julia Constance Fletcher was born. In the next year, he went to Rio de Janeiro (at that time the capital of Brazil) as an agent of both the American Christian Union and American Seamen's Friend Society in a mission that endured until 1854. The American Christian Union worked together with the American Bible Society and the American Tract Society. Both of them also supported Fletcher years later.


In 1855 and 1856, Fletcher was back in Brazil, this time as an agent of the American Sunday School Union. During this trip he traveled more than 5,000 kilometers through Brazil, giving out Bibles. His travels to Brazil added to the experiences of the Methodist minister and missionary Daniel Parish Kidder, became the focus of a book in 1857, Brazil and the Brazilians Portrayed in Historical and Descriptive Sketches,[1] a pioneering depiction of Brazil for the American people, with at least eight editions.


See Fletcher family page



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Capt. John H.


Mrs. Capt. John H. Freligh

(Susan Rebecca Ruland)

Capt. John Henry Frligh was born in Plattsburgh, New York, in 1812, the son of George Freligh of New York.  The title of Captain was not military, but the rank he held as a riverboat captain plying the Mississippi River - a title he kept for his entire life

He came West in early life and became identified with river interests, running packet boats between New Orleans and St. Louis and all stops in between. For nearly forty years preceding the war, he was well known in river and mercantile circles. He was a survivor of the great Natchez tornado which sank his steamboat.  He was the Captain of the steamboat Elba which was wrecked and a total loss in 1841. It is probable that during one of his stops in St. Louis, he met and, shortly thereafter in 1843, married Susan R. Ruland, the former Mrs. Heisen.  She was the daughter of General John Ruland, affiliated with William Rogers Clark.  He would become the Clerk of the St. Louis Court. 


 Captain Freligh was the number two officer on the Bulletin No. 2 when destroyed by fire above Vicksburg in 1855.  At the risk of his life, he saved the papers, money, and other valuables in the safe, for which he was presented with a set of silver by the merchants of Memphis.  At the breaking out of the war, he was a member of the firm of Hutton & Freligh, which was publishing the Southern Monthly.


Capt. Freligh settled down in Memphis after his long steamship career and went into business as a partner of the Hutton & Freligh Co. printers of note in Memphis.  During the war, among other items, they printed currency for the Confederate State.  He espoused the Southern cause and sacrificed his property and interests.  After the war and facing economic disaster, Capt. Freligh and his family, including his wife's widowed sister  (Elisa Clark Ruland Kerr) and her two sons, relocated to Rio de Janeiro Brazil, where, among other things, was the owner and editor of the newspaper, Brazilian Times.  They would stay in Brazil for about three years before making the move back to Memphis.  He would again be elected to serve on the board of the Chamber of Commerce, as he had prior to his relocation.


On his return, he settled down to a very quiet life.  He had a strong literary taste and was a close student of natural philosophy and political economy, and he contributed frequently to the daily papers.  He was a man of the strictest integrity and of refined feeling and had but few intimate friends.  With those, he was exceedingly genial and companionable and by them, he was fully appreciated.


He died in Memphis in 1885, leaving as survivors, his wife and only two of his eight children.


See Freligh family page



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W H.

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Settled on the Rio Doce, member of the Gunter colony. 

"Josephine Foster, previously of Chatawa, Pike County, Mississippi, had a double reason to be thankful for being on the River Doce.  She had made the long trek across Texas into Mexico prior to the overthrow of Emperor Maximilian.  There she had survived the bloody ouster of the Confederates attempting to set up colonies in the shadow of snow-capped volcanoes at Orizaba.  From their homes on the beautiful lake and river, the colonists of the Rio Doce could gaze into the distance and see the dark peaks of mountains among beautiful and ever-changing surroundings, and the pioneering lady had only to imagine a snow-cap on the mountaintops and be reminded of earlier, pleasant days at Oritzaba."

Source:  Lost Colony of the Confederacy, Harter  page 157

"On December 1 (1867) Josephine Foster, a member of the Gunter colony on the Rio Doce, wrote up the event (Death of Frank McMullen) in a letter to the editor of the New Orleans Times.  Like others, she had nothing but praise for the former Texan.  "Strictly upright and honest in his dealings, he gained the respect and confidence of all who knew him.  May his soul rest in peace, and the blessing of God attend those who cast their lots with him, in our sincere prayer."

Source:  The Elusive Eden, Griggs,  page 100 

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Eev. Samuel Rhea

Rev. Samuel Rhea Gammon was born in Bristol, Virginia, on March 30, 1865. He was the son of Audley Anderson Gammon and Mrs. Mary Faris Gammon. He began his studies at King's College in Bristol, where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in Arts. He then transferred to the Union Thological Seminary, Hamsden - Sidney, Virginia, obtaining a bachelor's degree in theology. Twenty years later, in mind of his remarkable knowledge, King's College conferred on him a doctor's degree. In 1927 he received another doctor's degree, this time in Letters. Samuel Rhea Gammon came to Brazil in 1889 to Campinas -SP, working there in a school founded in 1869, the International College.

See Gammon family page




Dominick was a young deaf-mute American who worked as a gardener for the Dr. John W. Keyes family while they were living at Moro du Inga, n Rio de Janeiro.

From Julia Keyes Diary
We employed, for our gardener, a deaf-mute named Dominick Gannon, who came out with Ballard Dunn and went with him to his colony, which was broken up. This man whom everyone called Dummy, was intelligent -could write and spell very well and for the absence of speech consoled himself by being very talkative and communicative on the slate or with his finger and we sometimes had to pretend, if we were very busy, not to see his upraised fingers or he would stop and give us a long dissertation on some favorite topic. He was good-natured and industrious. We found much variety between our directions for the daily work given to him and to our Portuguese cook."

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The Garlington family was part of the extended Weaver - Gill - Garlington family group from Bosque County (just north of Waco), Texas, USA,  Sarah Garlington was a widow and was the daughter of Othniel Weaver.  Her daughter, Fannie Garlington, married William A. Gill just before the family departure to Brazil.  This family group was part of the "New Texas colonists, sailing on the ill-fated Derby.  The group only stayed in Brazil a couple of years before returning to Texas.  During their stay in Brazil, Fannie would have two sonsThe oldest would later die tragically as a young boy in a fire in Texas.  The youngest son died as an infant just before the family's departure back to Texas and is buried in Brazil.
See Garlington family page    (Also see Gill and Weaver family pages)



Helen King Garner

Thomas Garner left Texas in 1866-1867 with a group of Southerners, which included his daughter, Susan Jane Garner Wright, and her family, along with Thomas' daughter, Rachel Garner Russell.  Rachel, her husband, F. M., and one-year-old son, Thomas, were living in Hopkins County in 1860 next door to her father, Thomas Garner.  It is believed that Rachel's husband was Frank M. Russell who served in the 1st Tex. Vol. Inf. Regiment, Company 1, Crockett Southrons, organized in Houston Co., Texas and mustered into the war at New Orleans, June 24, 1861.  Frank M. Russell was recruited at Alto, Texas, on March 22, 1862, was listed as sick in the summer of 1862 with rheumatism, sick in the fall of 1862 with typhoid fever, discharged from service with an ulcerated leg on April 14, 1864.  Apparently, Frank M. Russell, and the baby Thomas, died prior to 1866 because neither of them was mentioned in the stories that were told regarding the travels of the Americans who went to South America after the Civil War.  Perhaps they died from the typhoid fever which he had in 1862.  Rachel Russell was referred to as being a widow.


Helen King Garner, Thomas Garner's niece,  was born on January 3, 1839, in Madison, Alabama, her father, Daniel H. Garner was 32, and her mother, Catherine Wills Drinkwater, was 20. She married John Rogers Dumas on December 18, 1866, and almost immediately left for Brazil, probably with her Uncle's family.   They had at least six children during their marriage. and left many descendants in Brazil. She died in 1915 in Cândido Rodrigues, Sao Paulo, Brazil, having lived a long life of 76 years.


John was the son of David Dumas and Elizabeth Norman.  He was born in Winston County, Mississippi in 1837  and died in 1886 at Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Srr Garner family page 






Elias Gaston, from Mobile, Alabama, and family sailed on the Red Gauntlet to Brazil, apparently with the Hastings group. settling in Santarem, Para, Brazil.  He, his wife, and his young son were on the ship's manifest.  He was the son-in-law of Merriman A. Joiner, whose large family also made the trip.  The entire family group would return back to Mobile after a short stay of a few years. 

See Elias Gaston family page


James McFadden

Dr. James McFadden Caston Immigrated with his family from South Carolina, the USA after his hometown of Columbia was burned by the Yankees.  He was the leader of the Xiririca colony


Dr. Gaston joined a group of colony scouters in august of 1865 who was also in the process of locating lands for their prospective colonizers.  Dr. Gaston, an aristocratic surgeon from Columbia, South Carolina, who in 1866 wrote a book on the subject, entitled "Hunting a Home in Brazil".  was representing a South Carolina organization promoting emigration, but the Brazilian government also appointed him liaison among all the other scouts, as well.  He coordinated all the groups so that they would not stumble over one another.


So numerous were the searching parties that they found themselves encountering each other out on the hunt, and sometimes negotiating for the same tract of potential cotton-growing land.  But the memory of shared hard times in the South brought out the best in them, and they worked cooperatively in most cases.  Over a dozen groups were exploring along the coast and into some potions of the interior of the state of Sao Paulo.  The Brazil scouts included Warren Hastings, General  A, T. Hawthorne, Frank McMullan, William Bowen, Colonel M. S. McSwain, Charles Gunter, the Reverend Bal-lard Dunn, Gaston and Wood, Dr. John H. Blue, Meriwether, Shaw, and others.  Dozens of others scouted the land on their own, sending back reports through the exchange's press in the South.


See Gaston family page

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William A

"Billy Bud"

The Gill family was part of the extended Weaver - Gill - Garlington family group from Bosque County (just north of Waco), Texas, USA,    He was a farmer and married Fannie Garlington, just before the family departure to Brazil.  This family group was part of the "New Texas colonists, sailing on the ill-fated Derby.  The group only stayed in Brazil a couple of years before returning to Texas.  During their stay in Brazil, Fannie would have two sonsThe oldest would later die tragically as a young boy in a fire in Texas.  The youngest son died as an infant just before the family's departure back to Texas and is buried in Brazil.
William A. Gill "Billy Bud" was in North Carolina when he was discharged from the Army, so he must have been with Joseph E. Johnston when he surrendered at Bentonville, N.C., after Hood’s barefoot retreat from Nashville.  History tells us that when the men were discharged to return home, they received one Mexican dollar and twenty-five cents for those four bloody years of war.  Faye said that Pa was quite a “walker” for he walked all the way home to Waco, Texas from North Carolina, stopping by Tennessee to visit relatives.)"
See Gill family page  (Also se Weaver and Garlington pages)
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Immigrated from Texas, USA.  Owner of the "Free and Easy Concert Saloon" in Rio de Janeiro.  A favorite watering hole for American ex-pats and Confederados.
Source:  Page 120 Elusive Eden by Griggs.


Michael John

Immigrated from Alabama, USA to Santarem, Brazil.
Michael John Graham from Alabama died June 4, 1869.

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William B.

Jane R.

John H.

William A.

Mary J. - Mrs.

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Curtis Durham Grady married America Alzira McKnight
Mary Elizabeth Grady married Rev. William Curtis Emerson
Sophia Grady Married John Bentley
Jane Brown Grady
Martha Hannah Grady - married Lucien Barnsley


Rev. Emerson's second wife was Mary E. Grady, who came to Brazil with her mother, brother Curtis and the sisters Sophia, Martha, and Jane. Mary Emerson returned to educate their children. His sons Lucien, Joseph, and Charles studied in the International College (Catalog of 1877). Later, the family moved to São Paulo, where Mary was an English teacher for many years. In 1885, he was "first aid letters "at the American  School. Provided many services to the 1st Presbyterian Church of São Paulo and later to the Independent Seminary, where he also taught English. At its request, the Rev. Vicente Temudo Lessa translated a sermon by Rev. Emerson - "What do you think Christ? ", Published in The Presbyterian in March 1902. Dona Mary passed away at 70 years, on August 15, 1910, at the Evangelical Residence of the Presbyterian Church Independently of São Paulo, to Rua Vitória, from whose direction it was commissioned for free. It left a small legacy to constitute a fund for the evangelization of the natives.


See Grady family page


The Gray family was from England and in Santarem about the same time as the American colonists.  The parents died shortly after arrival and their daughters were taken in by two Confederado families who raised them.
A J Green.webp
Immigrated from Texas, originally from Winn County, Louisiana USA, and was part of the "New Texas" group that settled south of Sao Paulo.  He bought with him his large extended family.  They left many descendants who reside in Brazil today
Joseph Ingram  Green left Georgia in 1869. He had lost five sons in the Civil War, his wife and a child of a few months died, and he and the other young children joined a group of Confederates who went to Brazil. The New York Times, 18 September 1949 issue, has an interesting article about this group.
Joseph Green, the patriarch of the Brazilian Green family was the son of  Mr. Green and his wife Elizabeth Myrick.  Elizabeth was the daughter of Revolutionary Wat Patriot John Myrick.
See Green family page



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Judge John

Judge John Guillet

Immigrated from Missouri and settled in the Pranagua Colony


DeBow’s Review, January 1866 by Dr. John H Blue:

Judge John Guillet, an old and highly-esteemed citizen of Carroll county, with several families, and a Mr. Reavia, of Cooper county, Missouri, with his interesting family, are now here (August), making about forty Americans in all, the nucleus of a good settlement around Colonel M.L. Swain, of Louisiana, who has located and paid for a body of land on the Assunguy, a branch of the Serra-Negro river, which empties into this bay from the northwest, and which is the only practicable route to the mines, and to the rich open country beyond. We already have houses and a little store, and will soon have a little blacksmith shop and a schoolhouse, the Government giving us five hundred milreis a year to support a school. We have small crops of corn, beans, and potatoes, growing finely, and expect to keep ahead of the wants of new-comers, in the way of food. All of this dates from about the time that I came into the bay, a period, a period of fewer than three months.


Source:  CSA Exodus   Page 161


See Guillett family page




Charles G.


Charles G. Gunter, Leader of the Rio Doce Colony


Charles Grandison Gunter, born in Chatham County, North Carolina, in 1803 or 1806, received the given name of a fictitious character in an 18th-century English novel, A Collection of the Moral and Instructive Sentiments..... Contained in Histories of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison (1775), by Samuel Richardson. Sir Charles represented the author’s ideal of a morally good gentleman. An oral tradition among Gunter’s descendants holds that he spent time in Brazil during the 1840s, (possibly in 1848) and made a great deal of money. Unfortunately, the details of this earlier residence and the means by which Gunter accumulated wealth there have been lost. But assuming the family lore is essentially accurate, a new light is cast on the choice of Brazil as a potential home for at least one set of frustrated migrants. In 1860, Gunter was a wealthy planter of fifty-four living in Montgomery County, Alabama, with real estate valued at $200,000, and a personal estate of $125,000, although this was not his total financial worth. Gunter, who banked with the Lehmans, did not keep all his assets in Alabama.


Gunter went alone to Brazil, arriving in December 1865. He lived in Botafogo, a neighborhood that was home to the Nathans, New Orleans merchants whose extended family had been in Rio for at least since the 1840s. Charles Nathan in particular has been credited with being very helpful to a broad range of Confederate immigrants, including Gunter.


See Gunter family page

Oliver Lee Ferguson Home (Brazil)

Robert E  Lee Ferguson & Minerva (seated)


Milton C Ferguson escorting Mary Ann


Milton Cullen Ferguson & Brothers

Oliver Lee Ferguson and Valentine Cullen

Eugenia Ferguson Thomas.jpg

Eugenia Ferguson Thomas Daughter of Fanny Eliza Ferguson and  William Francis Thomas


Rev. Alberico Antunes De Oliveira

Betty Pitrowski - Daughter of Eugenia Thomas Pitrowski




Sarah Bellona Smith

(Mrs. Turner Edward Ferguson)


Valentine Terrell Cullen and Oliner Lee Ferguson Wedding  1924


John Amos Cullen  Husband of Effie Ferguson

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