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J. S.

 From Alabama, settled at Para

No further information yet


Russell Charles

From Ohio, USA and married Elizabeth Byington. 
See Byington family page


James Alexander

James Alexander Marchant was a Louisiana native, although he is sometimes identified as being from Charleston, South Carolina. He was a planter in East Feliciana Parish. His wife, Louisiana Hobgood, was a descendant of the Yarbroough and Felps families who had located here in the late 1700s. One of her grandmothers donated the land on which the town of Clinton was founded. The Marchants lived with a Mrs. M. Carr who was a South Carolinian and the titular head of the household, owning $6,000 of real estate and another $6,000 worth of personal estate in 1860. In the greater scheme of antebellum plantations, these are not impressive figures, but in East Feliciana Parish, this level of wealth was at the upper end of the scale.

Once James Alexander Marchant got to Brazil, he never left. The family (including Mrs. Carr), resided in the Santa Barbara – Campinas vicinity for many years, although Marchant was living in Rio at the time of his death.   Source:  Jarnigan 

See Marchant family page,   



 No further information yet


John P.

 Settled in Santarem,  No further information yet, Source  LOP



Fathe-in-law of John N. Young, 
See Young family page


One of the McMullen colony bachelors, a Mr. Masten, determined to remain in Rio de Janeiro. At the immigrant hotel, he had met and fallen in love with Anna Miller, who, with her parents, Irving and Sophie Miller, was set to go to Colonel Gunter's colony on the radio Doc. Masten proposed to Anna, and she excepted, despite the fact that she had been seeing another young man for quite some time and was generally assume to be spoken for. Regardless, the family set a date for the nesting miller wedding and made all of the preparations. When the day and hour arrived, however, Masten was nowhere to be found. Guests and family at the event felt mortified, and the bride would hurt and dejected. When a friend went to locate the missing groom, he found that Madison had been murdered. Anna's first love or later admitted the crime with the statement that if he could not Mary Miss Anna, she should not have another man.


SOURCE  The Lost Eden,  Page 87




 No further information yet


The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat  Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which memntions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama:  Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.

No further information yet



Immigrated from Mobile, Alabama, USA to Santarem, Brazil.   

No further information yet


George Green








Dr George Green Matthews.jpg
Dr George Green Matthews Sr.

He was elected Captain of the Monroeville Company (infantry) known as the Monroe Rebels which was organized on 10 August 1861. This company, armed with bayonetted double-barrel shotguns, joined Col. Franklin King Beck's Regiment [23rd Alabama] in Wilcox County. Col. Beck's brother, Alfred J. Beck, was the first husband of Laura Mathews, sister of Dr. Mathews. In January 1867 he took his family to Brazil, South America, where he remained for some 15 years, returning to the United States to settle in Marion County, Florida.
His son:

George Green Mathews Jr. (January 29, 1855 - March 1944) was an American diplomat  and politician. He served as U.S. Consul at Pará, Brazil from 1893-1897, and on his return to the United States was a Florida State Representative and the 2nd mayor of Fort Lauderdale from 1913-1914

George G. Mathews was born on January 29, 1855, in Monroe County, Alabama to Dr. George G. Mathews and Sarah Hybart. His father, a great-grandson of general George Mathews, removed his young family from Georgia to South America following the Amer- tcan Civil War when George Jr. was an adolescent and spent 23 years in Brazil before returning to the United States in 1881. Having spent most of his early life there, George Jr. was fluent in Portuguese and familiar with Brazilian customs.
The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat  Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which memntions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama:  Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.

See Matthews family page


 No further information yet


Napoleon Bonaparte 

"Bony" McAlpine was a bachelor and traveled with his relatives,  Thomas Garner and his widowed daughter, Rachel Garner Russell as part of the "New Texas group of immigrants from Texas.  He would marry in 1875, Louise O. Tarver, the daughter of Judge Thomas Nelson Tarver and Sarah Elizabeth Carroll.  Bony and Louise are both buried at Campo Cemetery, Americana, Brazil.  ,  Source: Griggs     IN PROCESS
Military:  He was a private in Co. C, 2nd Alabama Cavalry. He enlisted on March 22, 1862, at Eutaw, Alabama. The record on file is a muster roll for August 31 through October 31, 1863, which shows that he had been on detached duty at Okolona, MS but had returned to duty. The unit fought in Atlanta and Carolinas campaigns and was part of the last escort for President Jefferson Davis and surrendered in May 1865 at Forsyth, GA. He moved to Brazil and was alive in 1913, age 66 or 68. Niels Nielson: Alabama Unit.
See McAlpine family page


William T.

William T. McCann, a Confederate officer, was a close friend of the Mcknight family and was a part of the McMullen group out of Texas, sailing on the Derby..  He elected to stay in Rio after the group's arrival in Brazil with his friends, whose daughter, Emma McKnight was seriously ill.  Not much is known about Mr. McCann.  We do see that on the "Arriving Passenger Ship - 1913" that he is listed as a widower, presumably having been married in Brazil - spouse unknown at this time.  He was traveling with a good friend, Dr. D'Oliveira, and went back to his hometown of China Springs (near Waco) Texas, where his family lived.  He died on July 22, 1916 . 


SOURCE:  The Elusive Eden,  Page 87


The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed.  Page 1


Mr Wm. T. McCann, of Waco, Texas, came to Brazil in May, 1867.  He bought an interest in the "Bomm Reteiro", for which he paid $320; no improvements.  He cleared 40 acres the first year, and planted 28 in cotton and 19 in corn.  This crop he cultivated entirely with the hoe.  The present year he planted 15 acres of cotton and 9 of corn; he made 8 bales of lint.


New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957


Name:  William Theodore McCann

Gender ;  Male

Ethnicity/ Nationality ;  American

Marital Status ;  Widow

Age ;  74

Birth Date ;  1839

Birth Place ;  United States of America

Other Birth Place ;  Aberdeem,MS

Last Known Residence ; 

San Paulo, Brazil

Departure Port:  Santos, Brazil

Arrival Date:  23 Apr 1913

Arrival Port:  New York, New York, USA

Final Destination:  Waco, Texas

Person in Old Country:  Dr Fernandes D'Oliviera

Person in Old Country Relationship:  Friend

Person in Old Country Residence:  

Terassuminunge San Paulo

Person in US:  Mrs Henry Sparkes

Person in US Relationship:  Sister

Sibling:  Henry Sparkes

Ship Name:  Thespis

W T MCCANN 2.png
W T MCCANN 3.png
W T MCCANN 1.png
W T MCCANN 4.png

China Spring Cemetery

China Spring, McLennan County, Texas, USA

No further information yet

Military Order of the Stars and Bars Card Index, 1861-1865 - FSI



Immigrated from Alabama, USA.  Returned back to Alabama, August 1867.     No further information yet  
See McCants page,



Andrew McCollum of Louisiana


Louisiana sugar planter Andrew McCollum collected newspaper articles about immigrating to Brazil, traveled there on his own in mid-1866, kept a no-nonsense journal of his observations, and finally rejected the prospect as a viable option for him. Sailing from New York to Brazil, he met two Texans on shipboard who did settle there, John Caldwell and M. F. Demerett, another Huguenot surname, more commonly written as Demerest. After arriving, the three split up, Caldwel went to Parana to assess Blues colony, Later reporting “he was not much pleased with that country”. Demaret went to São Paulo and later settled at Santa Barbara. McCollum toured part of Rio province but returned largely unimpressed and was distrustful of Dunn, with whom he met. A fellow Louisianian named Roussell who was also scouting Brazil told him that Dr. Fletcher, Blue, and such… ought  “all to be put in a bag and all thrown into the sea for the lies about Brazil.” 

Source:  Janigan 


See the entire story on McCollum page.


Dr. Russell

Immigrated from Alabama, USA, and settled in Americana, Brazil


"....Dr. Russell McCord was a migrant from Alabama who settled in the town of Macaé. Saldaña Mariño signed McCord’s Masonic certificates for the years 1872, 1874, 1875, and 1879. These documents comprise the best records of the U.S. Confederate Masonic–Brazilian partnership. Scottish Rite Masons will be particularly attracted to Saldaña Mariño because of his activity in the mid-1860s in the cause of separation of church and state.


.Dr. McCord’s Masonic documents are historic in another way. A second signer was the eminent José Maria da Silva Paraños, best known as the Visconde do Rio Branco. He was Grand Master of the Grande Oriente do Brasil, and he was the author of the first emancipation legislation that led, 17 years later, to the abolition of slavery in his nation.

What was life like for former Southerners in Portuguese-speaking Brazil? In fact, half the Confederate North Americans quit and went home within ten years. But the rest stuck it out nobly and left a heritage that lives today, albeit as a small minority among the 170,000 citizens of Americana...."  SOURCE:  Washington Lodge  Freemasons


See McCord page



George Wilkins


Dr. McDade and his family (wife Mary and two young children) left the port of New Orleans along with others on a boat chartered by the government of Brazil.  The "Marmion" left New Orleans in April of 1867 and arrived in Rio de Janeiro a month later.  A hotel referred to as the government house was used solely to house the confederates upon arrival.  The family traveled with others to Linhares, on the Rio Doce in the region of Espiritu Santo.  This was referred to as Gunter's colony, after the Alabama confederate colonel that organized and headed the agricultural colony.  After several months, Dr. McDade took his family back to Rio to practice medicine.  The third child, George Henry Pedro McDade was born in Brazil. 
See McDade family page


 No further information yet


Peter Hector

Peter Hector "Patrick, P.H." McEachin

Born about 25 Nov 1825 in Rockdale, North Carolina, USA

Married to Harriett Gunter in 1862, went with the Gunter colony to the Rio Doce.  Returned to the USA and died in Ellis County Texas in 1905.

Son of Hector McEachin and Sarah (Malloy) Bunting

Brother of Mary Rockdale (McEachin) Prince, Charles McEachin, Catharine Malloy (Bunting) Coit [half] and Sarah Malloy (Bunting) Falconer [half]

Husband of Harriet M. (Gunter) McEachin — married 29 Jul 1862 in Montgomery County, Alabama

Died about 7 Jun 1905 at about age 79 in Ferris, Dallas, USA

Civil War - Confederacy, Captain - Ala. Co. D, 3d Bat'n. Hilliard's Legion


Peter was born about 1825. He is the son of Hector McEachin and Sarah Malloy. He passed away about 1905.

He attended the University of North Carolina.

He married Harriet M. Gunter and they had six children. Sally Malloy, Daniel Malloy, Charles Elliot, Albert Dozier, William Gunter and Hector.

Patrick served in the early years of the Civil War. After 1864, he took his family to Manaos, Brazil to  establish a new life there. In his concern for the future, he saw problems for the South whether they won or lost. He tried to convince other family members to immigrate with him and recreate their lives in Brazil. But he later became disillusioned and returned to the States to be found again in the 1880 census in Laurel Hill, North Carolina.

Name Peter H. McEachin Marital Status Married Occupation Farmer Birth Date abt 1828 Birth Place USA, North Carolina Enlistment Date 9 May 1862 Enlistment Place Alabama, USA Enlistment Age 34 Military Branch Infantry Regiment or Unit 60th Alabama Company Unit C Enlistment Info Age 34, Alabama, Dublin, Captain Military Engagement Info Absent sic at Chickamauga, Sept 19, 1863, Absent sick at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863, present at Dean's Station, Dec. 14, 1863., present at Drury's Bluff, May. 16, 1864. Remarks Residence: Montgomery, Ala. Co. D, 3d Bat'n. Hilliard's Legion Author Historical Record Roll, dated at Petersburg Va. Jan. 1, 1865.


T. A.

Return to Alabama – Dissatisfied Emigrants to Brazil

August 10, 1867


There arrived at the Central Hotel last night a party of ladies and gentlemen who left Brazil last month, thoroughly, totally, heartily disgusted with their new homes among the hybrid masses in the overrated, well-flattered country of Brazil.  The party is composed entirely of Alabamians, among whom are MESSRS. JOHN M. HARRIS, W. J. DeBERRY, G. E. JONES, THOMAS McCANTS, T. A. McELROY, JOHN STANFIELD, D. W. BRAZIELL, and eighteen other gentlemen and their wives and children. They give affecting and pitiful accounts of the sufferings of many hundreds of deluded Southerners who were lured away from their friends by the tempting offers of the Brazilian Government, and the tales of wild and impulsive American adventurers.


They represent that there is no regularly organized Government in Brazil–there is no society–but little cultivation among the inhabitants–no laudable ambition–no ways of making money–the people scarcely know the meaning of the word “kindness”– the American citizens live about in huts, uncared for–there is general dissatisfaction among the emigrants, and the whole Brazil representation is a humbug and a farce. The American Consul is in receipt of numerous and constant applications from helpless American citizens to assist them in getting back to their true, rightful country. CAPT. JACK PHELAN, who is so well known and admired in Montgomery, has, we learn, left with a large number of other young men, to make California their home.  The advice of the gentlemen with whom we conversed is to dissipate the idea that Alabama is not still a great country – to cause dreaming over the unhappy past–say nothing that will assist to keep up political troubles, stay at home, but work, work, work, and Alabama will yet be, what she ought to be, and can be, a great and glorious country.


The long-deferred abolition of slavery in Brazil is to be hastened. A recent law releases all slaves after two years, and they are to receive wages during this period.  Brazil is the last country laying claim to civilization that still maintains slavery.  It is not sixty years since slavery was abolished in the British colonies, and less than half that time since this country rid itself of the evil.



New York Times, Aug. 15, 1867



William Patton

Immigrated from York, South Carolina as part of the Gaston group.  William Patton McFadden married Amelia Hardy Davis in 1835. Later on Amelia Hardy died and then he married again to Sarah Miller-Young (b. 13th of July, 1811 - d.10th of March 1899 in Sta. Barbara D'Oeste, Brazil).  See McFadden family page.

John Barkley MacFadden: was born in South Carolina in 1844 and enlisted on August 13, 1861, at Yorkville, SC, as a private in Company C of the 12th South Carolina Infantry. He later transferred to Company B and took part in the battles of Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Sharpsburg, Fredricksburg, and the siege of Petersburg. He surrendered with Gen. Lee at Appomattox on April 9, 1865.

See McFadden family page


Joshua Lucas

Joshua McGahagin.jpg

Joshua Lucas McGahagin was born on November 1, 1816, in Effingham County. Georgia and died on February 5, 1891, in Belleview, Marion County, Florida.  About 1836, young Joshua, already an orphan, at about 18 years of age left Georgia and trekked down to Marion County, Florida, where his older brother had relocated a little earlier.  His brother, William became a Judge and a member of the Florida Seccission convention.  William and his wife would have one child, Willie.  William's wife would sie young of consumption and, sad to say, Willie would follow, dying at the age of 21, unmarried of the same disease.


Joshua married twice, the first time to Sarah Adeline Eubank, and on September 16, 1846, married her in Jacksonville, Florida.  Joshua and Sarah would have six children.  Two sons would die young.  Sarah would die a couple of days after the birth, at the age of 28,  of her sixth child.  Joshua remarried, this time to Margaret Jane Leitner.  She was the daughter of Col. George O. Leitner, a wealthy planter from Micanopy.  Joshua and Margaret would have eleven children, with two more sons dying young.


During the War Between the States, he served as a Captain in Company K, 1sst Reserves Infantry.

In 1868, after the war, Joshua and daughter, Lula, would travel down to Brazil - probably with Col. Leitner and his family who were making the permanent move down south.  Col. Leitner was Joshua's father-in-law.  While in Brazil, Lula met and married Lucius A. White Sr., son of Col. Thomas Bannister White and his second wife, Elizabeth Shepherd Kirby.  


After about two years in Brazil, Joshua returned to Florida (without his married daughter) and went about the business of settling up and liquidating assets.  In 1880 he felt he had arrangements just about finished for the move to Brazil. Most of his investments were liquidated and he still had his cows to gather up and sell. One morning he rode off on a young horse to look for more cows. After some hours the horse came home, dragging him by one foot caught in the stirrup. He had been dragged through bushes, over stumps and rocks, so of course was in terrible condition, though still breathing slightly. He soon died without regaining consciousness. It was supposed the horse became frightened possible by a rattlesnake and bolted, throwing him suddenly from the saddle in such haste he could not free his foot. He was buried in the neighborhood cemetery, Blue Sink, beside his first wife and near his brother and his wife.


Joshua was an honest, clean-living man. He did not drink, swear, make whiskey, or lead a bad life in any particular. He was honored and respected by all who knew him. He would never quarrel. He said it always took two to make a quarrel and he would not be one of them. If anyone began to “fuss” around him, he picked up his hat and left that vicinity. He was devoted to his family, fearless, courageous, and a Christian gentleman.


See McGahagin family page

Related families, Col. George White, 



From Louisiana, the McGee family settled in Santarem, Brazil.  Thomas Logan McGee and his family relocated to Brazil in 1868.  Some records have Thomas listed as Capt. S. L. McGee.  His son Joseph Lions McGee also made the trip a few years later.  The McGee family intermarried with the Mendenhall and Hastings families.
See McGee family page
Duncan McIntyre.jpg
The widow, Catherine Colquhoun, and son Daniel Colquhoun McIntyre, his wife Margaret Jane Adams/Malloy, and children moved to Brazil. This occurred shortly after the disastrous outcome of the Civil War and the infestation of the south by carpetbaggers. The first indication of their presence in Brazil is a letter written in 1869 (Old Letters), but we believe they were there closer to 1867. The telegram of 1867 was sent in care of W.A. Gunter, but delivered in the States. They were part of Col. W.A. Gunter's expedition. Gunter, in cooperation with the Brazilian government, started a colony of disgruntled southerners in Campinas, Brazil. Catherine, Duncan's wife, and her sons, Daniel Colquhoun McIntyre and Robert D. died and were buried near Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Daniel was injured during the construction of (according to family legend) Brazil's first sugar mill. A beam fell on him and he died several days thereafter. Five years after her husband's death Margaret Jane and her daughter Margaret Isabelle McIntyre returned to the States. They returned to Laurinburg, NC, and seven years after their return Margaret Isabelle married Duncan Thomas McIntyre, her second cousin.
See McIntyre family page for the full story



Immigrated from Texas, USA as part of the "New Texas" group, sailing on the ill-fated Derby.  

Calvin McKnight: Captain of McKnight's Volunteers Company of Hill Co. Mounted Men, 28th Brigade, Texas Militia. He enlisted for a six months term in the militia on August 10, 1861, in Hill County, Texas, and was commissioned Captain on September 19, 1861. After his term in the militia ended, he served as a Pvt. & Sergeant in Co. I of Burford's 19th Texas Cavalry. He enlisted on April 2, 1862, at Dresden, in Navarro Co, TX in Capt. Samuel Wright's Company which later renamed Company I. At that time he was 36 years old, 5'10" tall, with gray eyes & black hair, and a resident of Hill County, TX. He listed his occupation as a 'farmer'. He camped in Dallas in April and June 1862. He was promoted to 5th Sergeant on October 19, 1862. He was promoted to 2nd Sergeant on October 1, 1863, and was present when the regiment disbanded on May 25, 1865, at Marshall, Texas. The 19th Texas cavalry fought primarily in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri, in over thirty engagements, the more famous of which was Marmaduke's Missouri Raid, and the battles for Helena, Arkansas, Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana, and Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Thomas Stewart McKnight: Private, Co. I, Burford's 19th Texas Cavalry. He was the brother of Calvin McKnight. He enlisted on April 2, 1862, at Dresden at Navarro County, Texas, at age 34, 5'9 1/2"tall, with gray eyes and brown hair . He listed his occupation as "blacksmith". He served honorably until discharged on August 13, 1864, based on a surgeon's certificate that he was physically unfit for service.  

The Times-Argus, 29 Oct. 1869, Wed. Page 1
Mr. T. S. Mcknight, of Texas, is located about a mile from Mr. Perkins.  He came to Brazil in May 1867, located first on Ilha Grande, about 59 miles below Rio.  From there he moved to this point in July of '68.  He bought an interest in the "Bomm Reteiro" for which he paid $150.  He has built him a house, blacksmith shop, cleared several acres of land, and made other improvements since his arrival here.  He planted some corn and six acres of cotton late in November, too late to do well, but has made five bales.  Messrs. H/ and John Domm are working in partnership with him.  He is a blacksmith and works a portion of his time in the shop.  He expects to plant 40 acres in cotton and 18 in corn in the coming year.  His land lies very well and is nearly all terra rocha; no water power....

See McKnight family page


A. G.


A. G. McMahon,on boarding the Derby, gave a buckskin bag full of gold to Nancy McMullan to keep during the trip to Brazil. When the ship was wrecked on the coast of Cuba, McMahon accused Nancy of stealing it. McMahon later found the bag among rocks along the shore. He died in Texas many years later at the home of Wiley Simpson Dyer,  the oldest son of Judge James H. Dyer.   No further information yet.


SOURCE:  Griggs Thesis


John "Dad"


John "Dad" McMains, a Scotsman who had lived and worked in the California gold fields in 1849, also elected to leave the McMullen group at Rio de Janeiro. Always a loner, McMains wasted neither words nor money. On board ship from New York, George Barnsley, Major Alexander Braxton, and others often solicited McMains' advice, which he usually gave in terse, yet genial phrases. McMains and Braxton went to the Rio Doce, where they formed a partnership for the purpose of exporting fine furniture woods to Rio. The venture proved successful but ended when Braxton failed to return from a trip to the capital where he had sold a quantity of hardwood for a sum of 10 contos. Braxton had boarded a coastal steamer to return to the Rio Doce, but he never arrived. Most people assume that he was robbed and murdered. Later McMains traveled alone to Buenos Aires, Argentina, then Paraguay, before trekking across the wilds of Mato Groso province to Rio de Janeiro. The trip through the wilderness with no roads took six months. Disappointed at not finding a bonanza mining claim, McMains eventually returned to Texas.

No further information yet.

SOURCE:  The Elusive Eden  Page 88



Leader and organizer of the "New Texas" colonization effort.  He died from tuberculosis in Brazil, facilitating the demise of the colony he started.  Multiple sources.
Frank McMullen: was born in Walker County, Georgia in 1835. During the War Between the States, he was a resident of Mexico and met with the Mexican officials on numerous occasions on behalf of the Confederacy

Frank McMullan and Judge Dyer were among those who found the new situation intolerable and began to make plans for immigration. Many ex-Confederates were making plans to go to Mexico, but McMullan, who had lived there was aware of its instability, thought that some other place might be more rewarding. But where else might the prospective immigrants go that would offer stability, potential wealth, freedom from Yankee interference, and the opportunity to maintain at least some of the graces of antebellum life?


            Brazil seemed to be the answer. Already promoting colonization from the United States, Brazil offered the Texans ingredients they sought. Good land was available on long terms at low prices, and, for those who were interested, slavery was still legal. Brazil, McMullan concluded, could be a haven free from the problems they faced in Texas.

See McMullen family page. 


MvKnabb (McNabb),

  Barnsley (From the "New Texas" colony) said that McKnabb, whose first name was not given, "was aboard with his wife and an exceedingly beautiful girl child. He was accompanied by a Mexican, who had a good deal of gold on his own, which it was reported to us aft in the steamer that this mostly passed into McNabb's pockets." Barnsley said that McKnabb was a gambler and that he left the other colonists in Rio de Janeiro, "got rid" of the Mexican, and established a  bar, where he did well.

SOURCE:  Griggs Thesis


.....Gambler McNabb so no real future for himself in the backwoods of São Paulo province and elected to stay in Rio with his wife and daughter. Reportedly McNabb relieved a Mexican companion of all of his gold and "got rid" of him after leaving the immigrant party. Presumably using the wealth he extracted from his erstwhile friend, McNabb opened an American-style bar in Rio that was reported to be highly successful. After his death a few years later, McNabb's family left the capital and was not heard from again......

SOURCE:  The Elusive Eden, Page 87


No further information yet


Col. M. S.

 Immigrated from Alabama, USA and settled in Santarem, Brazil,  Father-in-law of Lansford Hastings

No further information yet



James Bogan

Judge James Bogan Mendenhall, the son of William Mendenhall and Mary Lowry.  William Mendenhall descends from the Gardner - Coffin families, prominent Sea Captains, and whalers of Nantucket Island.  William's family was in Wadesboro, Anson county, North Carolina when James was born in October of 1812   Sometime between 1830 and 1840, James relocated to Simpson county in Mississippi.  James married 16-year-old Winnifred "Wincy" Dunlap in 1837.  On November 2, 1843, he was appointed the Postmaster of the small town of Westville, Simpson county.    James and Wincey would have at least five known children, the first four being born in Mississippi while the last was born in Mobile, Alabama in 1857.  The family had relocated, prior to 1857, to Mobile where James was a schoolteacher (1860 Census).  It is unclear whether or not James served during the Civil War.  There are several James Mendenhall soldiers from Alabama listed in various records but known specific enough to point to James Bogan Menden-hall.  He was a bit old at the time to have enlisted.


After the war in July of 1867, he and hia family, except eldest daughter Louisa and eldest son, Henry Clay, who remained in Mobile, made the journey to Brazil on The Red Gauntlet.  They were recruited by Lansford Warren Hastings as part of a colonizing effort to Santarem, Para, Brazil.  Sometime after sailing, and prior to 1868, Major Hastings married the daughter of James and Wincey. Hastings died of yellow fever and had named J. B. Mendenhall as the successor to lead the colony.  Unfortunately, Brazilian authorities refused to acknowledge the leadership role by the Judge, leaving the colony leaderless.  


After trying to make a go of it, the family gave up and moved back to the United States by 1876.  Laura, the widow Hastings, had remarried to Joseph Lyons McGee, son of wealthy Louisiana planter, John Logan McGee. Joseph died not long after in 1878.   The Mendenhall family relocated to Gulf Hannock, Levy, county, Florida, choosing to not return to Mobile.  There, they and their descendants prospered very well.  The Judge became Superintendent for Instruction for Levy county until his death while serving in 1882.  He was buried in Savannah, Georgian would be followed by his wife a few years later in 1887.


Laura would remarry a third time to Capt. John Brown Johnston and have their only child, Ernest Clyd Johnston, born in Gulf Hammock.  Capt. Johnston would be a newspaperman and Mayor of Dade City, Florida.  He was also a state representative and served as a speaker of the House, Florida.  


The other children, Mary and George, would marry and have children, living mainly in the same general part of Florida.

See Mendenhall family page




Robert Meriwether: enlisted in the Confederate Army before there was a force! He was Captain of Company H of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers. This regiment fired the FIRST SHOTS at Fort Sumter, the act that officially started the War Between the States. The 1st South Carolina Volunteers disbanded soon after the surrender of Fort Sumter and Captain Meriwether joined the 6th Battalion of South Carolina Reserves and was promoted to the rank of Major and was the commanding officer for the battalion. The 6th Battalion of South Carolina reserves served as guards at the prisoner of war camp at Florence, South Carolina, until November 1864. On November 5, 1864, the 6th reported 262 men present for duty. On November 3, 1864, Major Meriwether was ordered to take his Battalion to Augusta, Georgia, and join the fight against Yankee General Sherman and his March to the Sea. Over the next four months, the 6th fought numerous battles and skirmishes against Sherman in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. On March 31, 1865, Major Meriwether was present with the 6th near Smithfield, North Carolina, under the command of Gen. Joseph E.Johnson. The 6th fought at the Battle of Bentonville, NC, and was present for duty in Blanchard's Brigade near Raleigh, NC, on April 10, 1865. Major Meriwether surrendered at Greensboro, NC in May 1865, after being surrendered by Gen. Johnson. He returned to South Carolina, but moved to Brazil in August 1865, to become one of the earliest Confederados.

Joseph Meriwether: enlisted in Company H of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers in December 1861 and took part in the bombing of Ft. Sunter. This unit disbanded in July 1861 and re-enlisted at Edgefield, South Carolina, in August 1863, as a private in Company D of the 1st South Carolina Infantry. He served under General Robert E. Lee in the Army of Northern Virginia until the surrender at Appomattox on April 9, 1865.

William Meriwether: enlisted in Company H of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers at Barnwell, SC, in December 1860 and took part in the bombing of Ft. Sumter. He enlisted for only a 6 months term and was discharged in July 1861.

No further information yet


Irwin Louis

Irwin Louis Miller was the husband of Sophia F. Hunter Miller. Irwin's obituary from the Eufaula Times and News, dated January 4, 1900, states: "Mr. Irwing L. Miller died in Eufaula December 29th (1899?). He was born in Orangeburg District, SC, in 1818. He came to Alabama in 1838, located about 20 miles from Eufaula on Cowikee Creek. In 1845, he married Sophia Furgurson (spelled wrong) third daughter of General John Lingard Hunter, also a native of South Carolina. After the war he immigrated with a colony of Southern Families to Brazil, South America….he returned to the United States in 1884 with his wife and little granddaughter, Maude, a daughter of their second son Hayne. His wife died in Eufaula in 1890, and his oldest daughter died in Brazil, of the six children surviving, five are living in Brazil. Mrs. Teresa Miller lives in Eufaula.

See Miller family page


James K.

Immigrated from Missouri, USA. 
From Eugene Harter, page 65,  we have:
“To their credit, Dr. Blue and Isaac Young learned to speak Portuguese within three years.  Others did equally well in beautiful Portuguese.  James K. Miller owned a barrel-making enterprise.  Dr. M. S. Fife, Isaac Young and W. P Budd organized the Parana Manufacturing Company, which was immediately successful.  The several hundred members of the Paran Colony were difficult to trace since most of the members lived far apart from each other.  Some returned to the United States, others blended with other ethnic groups in the area, most notably the Germans and are almost lost from sight

No further information yet.




See James W. Miller family page


MILLS,                      Col. James A.

Immigrated from Alabama, USA, and settled in Americana, Brazil. He was born in  1817 in  Barrytown, Choctaw County, Alabama, and died in 1882 in Americana.  he was married to Louisa Ann Mitchell, also from Choctaw County.  She died in Americana.  They were the in-laws of Wiilaim A. Prestridge. 

See Mills family page 



Joseph Long

Immigrated from Florida, USA, and settled in Americana, Brazil. 

Joseph Long Minchin: Co. I, 4th Florida Infantry & Orderly Sergeant and a prison guard at Andersonville, Georgia. He was alive in 1913, age 71. He was born near Thomasville, Georgia on January 16, 1841, and went to Florida as a child. He enlisted in 1861 and fought at Chickamauga & Atlanta. He surrendered at Macon, Georgia in April 1865. He married Julia Antionette Pyles on March 15, 1866. She was born near Macon, Georgia in 1849. They moved to Brazil on June 24, 1867. He worked as a foreman on a coffee plantation and later acquired his own farm of 900 acres. Living in 1921 in Nova Odessa, Brazil.


See Minchin family page









Samuel Wagner

Mobley 4.jpg
Samuel Wagner Mobley, immigrated from South Carolina, USA.  Samuel Wagner Mobley, son of David Mabry Mobley and the former Miss Catherine Elizabeth Dixon, was born in 1836 in Chester, South Carolina.

On August 12th 1857, Samuel married Miss Mary Elizabeth Kee; with whom he had five children:
David Martin (1858-1885)
Mary Matilde {m. Scofield}(1860-1903 Brazil)
Samuel Wagner, Jr. (1868-1938)
Celia Davis (1870-1950)
Kee Restored (1878 – 1954)

In 1867, Samuel Mobley moved his family to Cidade de Cannavieras, Brazil and lived there for about sixteen years.

After his return from South America around 1883, Samuel was known by everyone that knew and admired him, as "Brazil Sam"... he departed this life on the 5th of June 1907 at the age of 70 and laid to rest in Tirzah Presbyterian Churchyead Cemetery.

Mary Elizabeth Kee (Key), daughter of Cephas Jackson Kee and the former Miss Matilda Robertson Reives, was born in Chester, South Carolina on the 11th of March 1839. Mary Elizabeth married Samuel Wagner Mobley on August 12th 1857 and had five known 

In 1867, Mary and Samuel Mobley moved their family to Cidade de Cannavieras, Brazil and lived there for about sixteen years. While there, their daughter Mary married Walter Scofield, originally from Louisiana. Mary and Samuel returned to America around 1883 and settled in the area of Providence in Sumter County, South Carolina.

Mary Elizabeth Kee Mobley departed this life on the 27th of July 1922 at the age of 83 years, 4 months and 16 days. Survived by her daughter, Celia (Mrs. B.H. Boykin) and sons, Samuel and Kee; Mary was laid to rest beside her husband Samuel and son, David Martin in the churchyard cemetery at Tirzah Presbyterian Church.


Mary Ann

Immigrated from Georgia, USA.  Married first - William Terrell who died prior to his family relocating to Brazil.  Mary Ann married secondly Mr. Ayers shortly after her arrival. 
See Terrell family page


Joseph Hardy



William Turner

William Turner Moore, a veteran of the Fifteenth Texas Infantry in the Civil War and afterward a dentist in Hill County, Texas, married Victoria McMullan, Frank McMullan's sister. Both decided to go to Brazil with Frank McMullan but before leaving for Galveston to board the Derby, he accidentally shot himself in the leg while cleaning a pistol. Nevertheless, he went to Galveston. When his leg showed no improvement, he ordered it amputated, and then continued to South America. Returning to Texas in 1872, he became a lawyer in Waco. He died July 18, 1905, and was buried in Hill County, near Whitney, Texas.


Moore, Victoria McMullan. Victoria McMullan married Dr. William T. Moore, a Hill County dentist, in 1865. The two went to Brazil with her brother, Frank McMullan. In 1872, she and her husband returned to Texas. The Moores had one surviving daughter, Ora Montague Moore. Victoria died in Hill County, Texas, in 1874 from complications of childbirth.  The couple had two other children, an infant son who died at sea on the way to Brazil in 1967 and a daughter, Juanita, who also died at sea at age about five on the way back to Texas in 1872.


Ora Montague. Ora "Montie" Moore was probably born after her mother and father arrived in Brazil. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Moore went to Brazil. Family tradition says that her name, in Portuguese, meant "golden butter." She was always called "Montie," and her most intimate associates did not know her real name. "Montie" married Sep Smith, the son of Gip Smith of Smith Bend, Bosque County, Texas. Afterward, she and her husband moved to Crosbyton, Texas, where they became well known and highly respected.

 Source:  Griggs Thesis


See McMullen family page


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Rev. Charles Reed

Charles Morton was born on May 20, 1865, in Compostella, Charlotte County, in Virginia. He studied at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington and at the  Seminary  Theolo-

gical Union,  annexed to the  Hampden- Sydney  College, in the same state, where it was  formed in 1894, having been a colleague of the Rev. Carlyle R. Womeldorf, he was ordained by the Presbytery of  Roanoke in June  1894. He arrived in Brazil in August  1895, accompanied by his young wife of twenty-one, Mary Thompson Morton. They initially worked in Lavras. In December 1895, they went to Araguari, a field that had been heAded by the Rev. Frank Cowan, who died in 1894.  His wife, Mary, died in 1898 and he married again to Lucy Magill Hall, grandaughter of Conferderado Hervey Hall of Americana.  Charles died at the age of 38 from yellow fever. 


See Hall family page.


Rev. George Nash

A Presbyterian pioneer in Campinas and founder of the International College During the first ten years of the Presbyterian work in Brazil (1859-1868), all missionaries were sent by the Northern Presbyterian Church of the United States. It was only in 1869 that the first workers of the Southern Church arrived: George N. Morton and Edward Lane. The Southern Church (CPSU) was created just eight years earlier, in 1861. Its Foreign Missions Committee was based in the city of Nashville, in the State of Tennessee. After the civil war in the United States (1861-1865), many southern families of that country emigrated to Brazil, most of them settled in the region of Santa Bárbara, in the interior of São Paulo. This was the reason for the choice of Campinas, located 35 kilometers from the American colony, to be the first headquarters of the mission. The choice of Brazil as a missionary field of the CPSU was due to a suggestion by the well-known theologian Dr. Robert Lewis Dabney (1820-1898). The two pioneers mentioned above were part of the first group of graduates of the Union Theological Seminary (attached to the Hampden-

Sydney, Virginia) after the Civil War.


See George Nash Morton page


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 Settled in Santarem, 

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Source  LOP


Settled in Santarem, 

No further information yet,
Source  LOP

Oliver Lee Ferguson Home (Brazil)

Robert E  Lee Ferguson & Minerva (seated)


Milton C Ferguson escorting Mary Ann


Milton Cullen Ferguson & Brothers

Oliver Lee Ferguson and Valentine Cullen

Eugenia Ferguson Thomas.jpg

Eugenia Ferguson Thomas Daughter of Fanny Eliza Ferguson and  William Francis Thomas


Rev. Alberico Antunes De Oliveira

Betty Pitrowski - Daughter of Eugenia Thomas Pitrowski




Sarah Bellona Smith

(Mrs. Turner Edward Ferguson)


Valentine Terrell Cullen and Oliner Lee Ferguson Wedding  1924


John Amos Cullen  Husband of Effie Ferguson

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