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Charles and Henry Nathan, New Orleans merchants whose extended family had been in Rio for at least since the 1840s. Charles Nathan in particular has been credited with being very helpful to a broad range of Confederate immigrants, including Gunter. The firm of Nathan and Brother had been ib Rio for more than two decades prior to the Civil War. Charles was the family’s second generation to do business in Brazil when he arrived in the early 1/90s. Charles and his brother Henry, known in Brazil as Carlos and Henrique, traveled between Rio and New Orleans.  Their brother, George, usually anchored the family’s business in New Orleans.

See Nathan family page


No further information yet, 



Immigrated from Alabama, USA and settled in Saterem,  No further information yet.



Immigrated from Freestone County, Texas, USA,  Part of the "New Texas" group, sailing on the ill-fated Derby
See Nettles family page


Rev. Junius E.

Freemasons  Brazil.jpg

Newman went to Brazil without his family, arriving with only one hundred dollars in his pocket. At first, he settled in Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro. Apparently, he had wished to begin Methodist church services in his house, and perhaps to open a school, but was not able to do so. 4 After about six months, Newman's family joined him in Brazil, and approximately one year after his family's arrival, Newman relocated to Saltinho (1869), near Limeira in what was the Province of Sao Paulo. This was in an area where many other displaced southerners were settling, near the modern Brazilian city of Americana. There, Newman began to preach to the colonists twice a month, and by October 1869, he had written to the Mobile Conference, deploring his own inability to speak Portuguese well enough to preach in the language and urging the appointment of young missionaries who might become fluent enough in Portuguese to preach to the Brazilians. 


See Newman family page





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Served with an Alabama unit

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Settled in Santarem,  No further information yet, Source  LOP



Settled in Santarem,  No further information yet, Source  LOP



Immigrated from Alabama, USA, Settled in Americana.  Leader of the Colony.

Robert Cicero Norris: Private, Company F, 15th Alabama Infantry & 1st Lieutenant company A, 60th Alabama Infantry. He was alive in 1913, age 75. He was born on March 7, 1837, in Perry County, Alabama, but was a resident of Dallas County, Alabama. He was the son of William H. Norris and was educated at Fulton Academy & Mobile Medical College. He enlisted on January 28, 1861, under Capt. Theodore O'Hara to take Pensacola Navy Yard. On July 3, 1861, he enlisted in Co. F, 15th Alabama Infantry, in Stonewall Jackson's Brigade. In 1862, he was appointed Sergeant Major, and in 1864, was appointed 1st Lieutenant of Co. A 60th Alabama Infantry. He was wounded 4 times and fought at Malvern Hill, Cold Harbor, Cedar Run, 2nd Manassas, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Wilderness, Petersburg, etc. He was captured at Hatcher's Run & held at Ft. Delaware until June 17, 1865. He went to Brazil in 1865 but returned in 1890 to finish his medical degree. He returned to Vila Americana, Brazil, and practiced medicine. He was a master mason. He died on May 14, 1913, in Brazil. 

Henry Clay Norris: Company G, 15th Confederate Cavalry. The unit was stationed at Mobile and Pensacola and fought in battles at Tunica, Louisiana, and Claiborne, AL. He surrendered on April 30, 1865, at Demopolis, Alabama. He was the son of William H. Norris and was born in Dallas Co, Alabama, on June 1, 1842. He died on January 20, 1912, at Villa Americana, Brazil. 
The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat  Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which memntions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama:  Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.

See Norris family page.


George Byron

George Byron Northrup was the son of James William Northrup and Eliza Dabbs.  William was originally from New York but relocated to North Carolina at a young age.  He married 13-year-old Eliza Dabbin in 1820 and by 1836 had relocated to Marengo County, Alabama.  They would be the parents of 13 children.


George Byron Northrup was a farmer and was born in Marengo County in 1839 and enlisted with the Confederate army at age 23.  1868 he left Alabama for Brazil along with several other Marengo County families, including the Porters  In 1870 he married Mary Frances Porter in Campins, Brazil.  Her father, James D. Porter died seven months after the porter had arrived in Rio.  George would help finance his widowed mother-in-law in the establishment of a boarding house in Campinas catering to American and English immigrants.


George and Mary would have at least five known children.  The family lived in Piracicaba for the rest of their lives.   Mary died in 1909 and George would join her nine years later in 1918.



Name: George B Northrup

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Farmer

Birth Date: abt 1839

Birth Place: USA, Alabama

Enlistment Date: 18 Mar 1862

Enlistment Place: Alabama, USA

Enlistment Age: 23

Military Branch: Infantry

Regiment or Unit:43rd Alabama Regiment

Company Unit: B

Enlistment Info: Age 23, Alabama, Marengo County, Linden, Private Promoted Jr 2nd Lieutenant

Military Engagement Info: Present at: Huntsville, Tennessee 1862/08/15 through Petersburg, during the siege

Remarks: P.O. Shiloh, Alabama Elected Jr. 2nd Lieutenant March 3, 1864.

Author: Historical Record Roll, signed in trenches front Petersburg, Virginia 1864/12/31




John Odell was an immigrant from Hill County Texas with the N\"New Texas" group,  Sailed on the ill-fated Derby.


Little is known of John Odell, other than that he married  Lou McMullan, Frank McMullan's sister and niece of Judge James Harrison Dyer. Both Odell and his wife went to Brazil with the McMullan Colony.  John returned alone in 1872  to   Hill County after Lou died of typhus. He died in Hill County, Texas, USA.


Lou  McMullan  Odell was about eighteen years old when she and her husband, John Odell, left for Brazil with Frank McMullan's colony. She died of typhus and was buried somewhere in Brazil. She had no children.   

SOURCE:  Griggs Thesis


See Dyer family page   


Col. Asa Thompson, Sr.

The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed.  Page 1
Col. A. T. Oliver of Austin county, Texas came to Brazil in September 1866.  His fazenda contains at least 400 acres, for which he paid $4,000.  Included in the purchase were a very good dwelling house and ordinary outhouses, with large pastures and some other improvements.  He had, also, a very good corn mill and a frame-up for a large ginhouse and sawmill.  The Colonel is making rapid improvements on his fazenda, is building an immense water wheel, and pushing other improvements as rapidly as his facilities will admit.  His farm is well stocked, and he has the finest water power in the whole country, quite sufficient to turn half a dozen factories.  His land lies in a solid body, and the cultivated portion of it is as beautifully situated as any farm we ever saw.  He has raised two crops of corn and cotton.  From 27 acres the present year he has 27 bales of lint cotton....

OLIVER, ASA THOMPSON (1819–1873).Asa Thompson Oliver, planter, was born on November 14,1819, in Elbert County, Georgia, the son of Simeon and Mildred Oliver. He moved with his wife and children from Mississippi to Texas in the mid-1850s. By 1858 he had acquired almost a half league of prime farmland in the Hempstead area east of the Brazos River in Austin County, now in Waller County. That year his estate, which included seventy slaves, was valued at almost $48,000. By 1860 he had accumulated 105 slaves and held property worth $205,000, ranking him among the county's wealthiest residents. Following the outbreak of the Civil War in the spring of 1861, Oliver was chosen to help organize public defense as a member of the Central Executive Committee of Austin County. Like most large planters he was badly damaged by the Confederate defeat and emancipation; by mid-1865 his estate had plummeted in value to $25,000. In 1866 he and his wife and three children joined the postbellum emigration of former Confederates to Latin America; they settled in the colony of Santa Barbara D'Oeste in the Campinas district of São Paulo province, Brazil. There Oliver purchased an extensive plantation and a number of slaves and began cultivating his property. Unfortunately, his wife, Beatrice, and daughter, Indiana, who had suffered chronic distress since the end of the war and remained debilitated during the voyage to Brazil, contracted tuberculosis. Beatrice succumbed to the disease on July 13, 1868. Since there were no non-Catholic cemeteries nearby, Oliver devoted a small corner of one of his fields to burials and interred his wife there. Indiana, age seventeen, died on April 19, 1869, of the disease and was buried near her mother. That same year Oliver's younger daughter, Mildred, fourteen, distraught over the deaths of her mother and sister and burdened with the care of her father and younger brother, also fell gravely ill; she died shortly before Christmas and was interred beside her loved ones. The family burial ground, known as the "Campo," became a significant Protestant cemetery for the American settlers of the vicinity. A. T. Oliver was buried beside his family after he was murdered by one of his slaves on July 28, 1873. Subsequent owners of the Oliver property erected a small chapel on the cemetery grounds.

Randolph B. Campbell, An Empire for Slavery: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1821–1865 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989). William Clark Griggs, The Elusive Eden: Frank McMullan's Confederate Colony in Brazil (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987). Lawrence F. Hill, "The Confederate Exodus to Latin America," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 39 (October 1935, January, April 1936). C. W. Schmidt, Footprints of Five Generations (New Ulm, Texas: New Ulm Enterprise, 1930).


SOURCE : Find A Grave
Mrs. Drucilla D. Oliver married Walter Scott Jones on 11 July 1877 at Jacksboro, Texas. Marriage was officiated by John G. Shinn, First Christian minister at Jacksboro.

Walter Scott Jones was in the union army and would have been compatible with the residents of Jack County since they did not secede from the Union during the Civil War. By 1880, Jones was a farmer and surveyor for the Texas & Pacific Railroad. After his wife's death, he moved away from Jack County.

Newspaper accounts show she moved to Jack County, Texas by 1875.

Mrs. Walter Scott Jones died at her home on College Street, Tuesday morning, January 29th, after an illness of many months. Her remains were interred in Oakwood cemetery Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Jones had long been an exemplary member of the Baptist church and had resided in Jacksboro for a number of years and had many friends who sympathize with the bereaved family.


daughter of James Daniel - Lydia Davis

Following the Civil War, she with a few of her siblings relocated to a Confederate Colony near Santa Barbara d'Oeste in the province of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

There she married a former Confederate planter, Asa Thompson Oliver, in 1870. They had two children in Brazil: Asa Thompson Oliver, Jr. and Catherine Meriwether Oliver.

Her husband was killed by one of his slaves in 1873. Mrs. D.D. Oliver and her children, with her step son, Zimri Shelton Oliver, returned to the States, settling at Jack County, Texas. In Jack County, she married Walter Scott Jones. To this marriage, two daughters, Laura and Annie Jones were born.
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"O'Reilly, a young Irishman whose first name has not been found in any accounts of the colony, joined the McMullan party in New York City. He was looking for adventure, and, after arrival in Rio de Janeiro, he and another young man named Dillard joined the Brazilian army to fight against Paraguay in order to collect the bonus offered by the government. At the front, however, both men deserted and joined the Paraguayans to collect another bonus. They were later captured by the Brazilians, court-martialed, and shot."
Source Griggs Thesis


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Oliver Lee Ferguson Home (Brazil)

Robert E  Lee Ferguson & Minerva (seated)


Milton C Ferguson escorting Mary Ann


Milton Cullen Ferguson & Brothers

Oliver Lee Ferguson and Valentine Cullen

Eugenia Ferguson Thomas.jpg

Eugenia Ferguson Thomas Daughter of Fanny Eliza Ferguson and  William Francis Thomas


Rev. Alberico Antunes De Oliveira

Betty Pitrowski - Daughter of Eugenia Thomas Pitrowski




Sarah Bellona Smith

(Mrs. Turner Edward Ferguson)


Valentine Terrell Cullen and Oliner Lee Ferguson Wedding  1924


John Amos Cullen  Husband of Effie Ferguson

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